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I looked down at the time. I was finished with my work. But I didn't want to leave. Because then I would be home.

Home. Home. I would be home. Homes are supposed to be the safest places. So why was I dreading going back?

I've never felt this way before. Well, at least not for such a long time. Normally I was fine. But I felt old anxiety rise in my chest.

Why? This was my normal. So why did I feel so uncomfortable? Maybe it was just me being dramatic.

I always was dramatic. He always told me I was anyway. I felt myself go into autopilot as I packed my things.

I needed to go. So I let my body take over. Not even focusing on the bad jitters in my chest.

I looked at the hallway as I walked down it. I ended up working downstairs. Tony asked me to.

I don't know why. Though as I was leaving James sat in the kitchen. So I went to make sure he was okay.

"James are you okay?" He hated that I called him that at first. But slowly he adjusted.

He looked back at me. Hair in a bun. I remember the time Steve asked why he didn't cut it.

His answer made me flinch.'It reminds me that im human. Without it, I would forget.' After that, I always checked on him.

Maybe it was because I felt for him. Or because I also sometimes couldn't recognize my own humanity.

Though I was soon broken from my own thoughts when he looked at me. His own Blue eyes clashing with my brown ones.

Though his we're not as good as mine at hiding pain. The soft blue made me feel safe within them.

"Im Fine." It was hoarse. His voice always sounded like that after a nightmare. Setting my things on the counter I walk over to the stove.

I could feel his steely gaze on my back."I said im fine Honey." I nodded."I know." It didn't mean I would listen.

James always was plagued with nightmares. I remember the first one I encountered. Everyone else left for their own missions.

He stayed back since he already had been through a lot that week. But he was alone. I remember hearing his screams.

Then I remember waking him up he attempted to choke me. But I had trapped his hands within my own.

Making it difficult for him to do anything as I pressed my body weight against him which trapped him against the wall.

After he came to he apologized a dozen times. Though I simply shook my head made him tea and I left.

I didn't make him feel worse. And now I find myself making him tea every time I notice his behavior.

So as I sat the porcelain teacup across from him with sugar milk and honey I picked up my things and went to leave.

"Stay." I looked over in surprise. He never asked me to stay. Looking down at my watch I knew I would be late.

But for once I let it go set my stuff down and poured my own cup of tea before sitting next to him.

I felt..comfort.

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