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I pushed him off me my ear stinging from how hard he pushed the vien. My eyes blazed as he glared.

"You knew all this time?" I nodded. He scoffed."I thought you were better than this."

Anger consumed me."Ive watched you fuck every woman in New York. I've seen how you treated your soulmates!"

He flinched."You are not going to judge me for my choices! I am a grown woman and if I choose to avoid someone who is bad for me I will."

I say before leaving my hands tighten around my laptop."Wait!" Tony yelled looking at me. I turn around and stand my height not something to make fun of.

"What?" He was quiet."You didn't-" I chuckle."Does it hurt?" He looked at me eyes wide.

"I hope it stays that way." I say before rushing to the elevator and stepping in.Scanning my card I watch as the doors close.

It was an override. It means Friday has no control of the elevator as of now. I know how he works.

I know that his egotistical attitude would make him think of stopping the doors immediately.

But he was too late. My hands swept down my blouse. Walking out I got in my car and blew off.

My speed was rapidly rising and my hands wouldn't detach from the wheel. Then I got a call.

A call that made my anger drop along with the speed of my car."Hello?" My voice had shifted.

No longer harsh."Did you see him today?" Peter questioned. I could tell he was antsy about it.

"Yes I talked to him.. I don't think I can sneak you in." Peter was quiet."Its okay im just-"

"Worried." I cut him off."You know?" I sigh."I have something to tell you when I get home don't worry nothing bad."

I say before ending the call. Closing my eyes I fell my brain turn to mush. Then I remember im driving and open them.

Jeez. I really needed to better manage myself. Speaking of management I needed to adjust everyone's schedules.

Pulling into my locked down garage I get out of my car and hurry up the many steps to my home.

I lived in an shield agent apartment complex so it was secure. Scanning my id I yawn and open my door.

Peter was on the couch furiously typing away at his computer. I new he was stressed as to what I had to tell him.

As soon as he heard me he looked at me."Im sorry for stressing you." I say putting my things down on the kitchen counter.

Her put his laptop beside him and got up. But I put my hand out."Stay right there. Just for a second so I can tell you something."

He stood confused."I want you to look at me and tell me that you won't be angry." He was quiet.

"I won't be angry." He tone darkened. Something I didn't see often. I was wondering why.

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