30-Lean On Me

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"I've been going to therapy sessions ever since Peter had left...I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how to tell you."

I smiled as I fixed his tie."You didn't need to tell me I already knew. I was going to congratulate you before you became an ass."

I said chuckling. He looked at me."You really are incredible." I simply rolled my eyes."Flattery won't get you anywhere Sir."

I said playfully my hands tugging at his tie to make sure it was secure. Then he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Im not being sarcastic Honey.I don't deserve you we don't. You work so hard and you never receive anything back."

I sigh and fork my hand through his soft curls. "Tony there's something you learn in the years of being an assistant, you learn to love the small stuff don't sweat it."

I say before turning around."Now go get em Tiger." He rolled his eyes and left towards the elevator but not before glancing behind him.

"Your not gonna come along?" I shook my head."I have some paperwork to catch up on go on without me."

He nodded and the doors closed. I was hoping he would imprint on everyone else so they get therapy too.

It's not like I don't love them. It's just that with the constant trauma they deal with needs to be handled.

I mean clearly with my hatred of therapy and therapists im a huge hypocrite. But im better than them.

I went even if I was forced. They would scratch kick and raise hell of they had to talk about their feelings.

Speaking of that Bucky should be back from his own therapy. He's been receiving it since he came back from Wakanda.

I contacted Shuri and asked her a few questions about why he kept his old look. She said he refused to remove the arm.

Something about attachment. Walking to my desk I power on my computer before pulling up some files begging to type away.

All while calling the man in question. He answered quickly. His breathing seemed off."Bucky?"

I called through the phone. Jesus what was with the panic attacks today? I'm hoping I wouldn't have to deal with his hostile mode.

"Bucky if you don't answer im coming down." Quiet.Ending the call I groaned already feeling the catch up work.

Nevertheless I got my ass up and into the elevator. I needed to change mindset. I was about to deal with a war Vet and a recovering assassin.

Fuck. I remember having to calm him down so many night's before. Running a hand through my now messy hair I quickly clip it into a bun.

I needed to get ready for the worst. Sometimes Bucky would have flashbacks. Often causing unintentional pain to others.

Silencing my phone I make sure nothing can trigger him before the doors roll open. I quickly notice that his bedroom door was ajar.


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