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"Im sorry." I say my hand on his shoulder. He was quiet."I wouldn't want them to know either."

He says his voice low."You need to rest James-" "Is that why you always stayed late? Cause you knew I couldn't sleep without your tea?"

I was quiet."I didn't know they..I didn't know they would..." I couldn't find the words to describe it.

He turned towards me."How come your so weak?" He questioned his hand on mine. I looked at his blue eyes.

"I use a special cream to make my nerves numb. It stung at first but I can't feel with it."

He picked up my hand and turned it upwards so my palm faced him."Did he find you?" James questioned.

Running a finger down the viens in my palm. "Yes I took care of him he was under severe stress it seems he's overwhelmed."

James sighed."They take so much and never give anything in return." Then he closed my palm.

"James?" He looked up towards me."Let me help you your miserable." I mutter. He frowned.

"Theyll know as soon as you touch me." I shook my head and pressed my finger to the vien behind my ear.

It would clear out the cream from my receptors. Then I flex my hand.With a small smile I hold his hand.

"Let them know all they want." He smiled it was small. But I felt my mark burn and tingle. Falling into place.

His chest seemed to take in more air."Go sleep James I'm clearing your missions I'll see if I can sneak Peter in."

He nodded and left to his bedroom. His seemed really exhausted. It must take a lot from him every day.

Especially with so many people who refuse to accept his bond. I tapped the counter deciding to stay in here for a little.

It was calming and I needed to figure out what the fuck I was supposed to do now.
I blew my cover for James.

Rightfully so. He deserved at least that. But now they would be all over me. So I needed to make sure no mishaps happen.

Because If I forget the cream even once they'll know and that will destroy what I've worked so hard to build.
"I apologize Mr Stark but my hands are tied." She says fixing his tie.He looked down at her."Your hiding something from me."

He says eyes narrowed. She stepped back and tucked her hands behind her."I don't believe I know what you mean."

He smirked and stepped forward. Making her step back."But you do today out last mark glowed. One of us had contact."

He didn't stop walking and soon she was backed against a wall. "Im sorry Tony I don't know what you want me to do about that."

He smirked."I want to know how it's possible when we were asleep and the only two in the tower awake were you and Bucky."

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