28-Inappropriate Questions

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"So we're going to ignore the fact that you were gone for 2 months?" Tony asked annoyed.

I went to stand but Peter stopped me. He held my hand under the table.Before he spoke.

"My own mental health was more important to me than missions I took a break and Fury knew about it."

Tony looked at him. A challenge. Oh I was excited. I prepared him for this. Tony put his hands together.

"I am the leader of the Avengers and Fury is not the only person you need to ask," Peter smirked.

"He is as far as im concerned it was none of your business in the first place. To be honest Camille and Bucky have been the only ones to help me without trying to manipulate me."

Tony was silent. Bruce was also quiet. Standing I look down at Peter he nodded."Peter has decided to move out of the Avengers Tower and only is going to come to prepare for missions."

Tony got up."Thats ridiculous there is no reason for that we are fine." I looked at him."Anthony this is not your choice a soul mark does not make you entitled to a person."

He looked at me."You think I don't know that we are trying to work out our problems-"

"You have never tried you only have done the bare minimum! You left one of your soulmates alone for nothing but old trauma that he couldn't control!"

"You mentally abused another and tried to make him come back when he couldnt even fucking stand on his own!"

Peter took my hand."Hone-" I slammed my hands on the table."You wanna know what I think about you Anthony Stark?!"

I question now full on yelling. He looked at me surprised."I think your a selfish entitled minupltive man who could never fix his problems so he projected onto everyone around him!"

He got up and walked over to me. Then he looked at me."You worked for me for eleven years."

I smirked."Say it I fucking dare you." I say grabbing his tie. He licked his lips."In all of those years you've never once shown emotion until now."

Then he put his hand behind my ear."You wanna know something I may be an insensitive prick but I never would have kept-"

I pushed him off of me. "Your insecure and you can't grasp the fact that I didn't want you."

He grew quiet and I pressed the vain behind my ear."Im your last piece and in eleven year's you never knew cause you never cared. I was beaten every day I came early as you asked."

"I didnt complain and you could have stopped it if you weren't so tied up being an egotistical manwhore that you noticed for one second that I wasn't okay. You caused this and now that your looking your own monster in the eye you can't help but feel threatened."

I said calmly. He stepped back and I smiled."I would never accept a man who can't even accept himself."

Then I watched as he left the room.

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