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As I turned off the burners I heard a large bang. I quickly rush out of the kitchen and to the bathroom door.

Jiggling the lock I hear soft cries."Peter Peter are you okay?" I question. I wait a few seconds.

But I don't hear any response. Reaching towards the top of the frame I grab the spare key and quickly unlock the door. Looking in I see Peter.

He's mostly dressed but his shirt was on the floor and his hair was wet and dripping onto his pants below.

Though that's not what I cared about his eyes were red and tears were falling down his cheeks.

His chest seemed to be rising and falling quickly and I noticed it to be a panic attack. I was quick but quiet as I stepped into the bathroom and kneeled down to his slouched figure.

"Peter?" I called lowly not wanting to startle him. He was shaking as he looked at me. "H-Honey?"

He questioned I nodded and he weakly crawled into my lap and hugged me. I felt my heart beat hard.

My face had turned into a look of sadness as I sat on the floor and held him close to my chest.

"its okay Sweetie your okay we don't have to move we can stay like this alright." I whisper running my fingers through his hair.

His body made my shirt wet but I didn't care. I was worried, worried beyond belief for my young mate.

Rocking him slowly I picked up his phone. It was unlocked and multiple messages were splayed out on the screen.

Emails from college missed phone calls and texts from Tony and Steve. I soon realized what made him break down.

He was overwhelmed by everything maybe even with slight anxiety. I could tell how much all of this was affecting him.

Though the main thing that made me angry was how many missed calls and messages there were.

Can they ever give him a break? He's a human being not just a hero who saves people. He had emotions.

Though as I scroll through dozens of messages I felt my anger only grow. Tony had been blowing up his phone about apologies.

Though only about five started that way. The rest where missions he needed to go on. Was Tony trying to guilt him?

I saw only three messages from Steve we're sent. Those made me less angry but I still felt it.

Steve was asking if he was okay and safe. The last one was telling him to take a break if he needed it.

Though not to stay away for to long. I almost cringed at the detached behaviour. Though no other messages were sent.

Then I noticed an old one. From this morning. It was Bucky who told Peter my address. Just that no other words.

I smiled bitterly at that. The only person who knew what to do. Maybe it was what connected them in the first place.

As both where being worn out by people who had no idea to actually care for them or simply just didn't care.

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