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"No Mrs. Potts I apologize Mr Stark is booked for the day." The annoyance was hard to remove from my voice as I addressed her.

She stood and clicked her tongue."I am the-" I end the call as the elevator opens. Walking through it I notice that Bucky was up.

It was quite early Five Am. Walking over to him I notice his eyes had dark circles."James you seem more tired than usual I can cancel your missions today if you need rest."

He was quiet and then looked over."Your back." I nod and walk into the kitchen. James watched me as I sat down my laptop.

Then I started making some tea."James, please rest." I say turning towards him knowing his stubborn nature.

He seemed to stare at me."Can you bring the tea down to my floor?" I nodded slowly as he got up and walked off.

Sighing I rub my cold hands together. I felt terrible that James was so alone. Maybe I could help him.

I made some coffee and a fruit plate."Friday Wake up the Avengers." I order taking the tray of tea to the elevator.

Stepping in I key in his floor number and I watch the doors close. James seemed more wiped out then usual.

I wonder if they had even accepted him into their bonds?Were they so cruel as to leave him out.

I knew Peter and Steve had accepted him but what about the others. When you have been in contact with your soul mates.

But they don't accept you your body will constantly be in pain if you aren't in contact with one.

I know. The doors open and I walk into the dim floor. Everything was black and simplistic.

James seemed to be missing. Sitting down the tea tray I hear a door open. James came out. Joggers and fresh top on.

He must have showered."James ive left some tea in your kitchen ill be leaving now." I say respecting his personal space.

"Stay." He ordered sitting at the bar and pouring himself some tea. I sighed and sat down my laptop on the dining table. Then I walked to the barstool and sat down.

"It only tastes good when you make it." He mutters sliding the cup to me. I felt my lip quirk up into a smile.

"Its just honey and sugar James." I say stirring the cup and placing it in front of him. He took it and sipped it.

"Its just not the same."  He says licking his lips."Have you gotten any sleep James?" He was quiet.

"Your our last soulmate." I froze."What?" I question my heart beating a million miles a minute.

"I can feel you." He says looking over his face blank. What the hell did he mean he could feel me?

That was highly unlikely he would have to be really sensitive which means..they really didn't accept him.

My eyes watered. That's the worst thing in the world and I would never wish it on my worst enemy.

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