18-I Love You So

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My phone rings and I tap my earpiece."Honey speaking." I say pouring more cups of coffee.

"Im calling to confirm the cancellation of all Tony Starks Meetings." I sigh."Apologies Pepper, he decided to cancel them last minute."

I heard her sigh."He did? Not you." I felt my annoyance build."Yes, He did." I say setting down some more mugs.

"Sure do you think I could come by and-" "No," I say before hanging up and wiping the counter.

"Im gonna buy a paper doll that I can call my own," I murmured along with the music playing in the background.

"Peter get together your work I'll be in the living room soon," I say going to my laptop furiously typing I hum along.

"Honey?" I hum glancing over to Tony."Are you okay?" He questioned. I shut my laptop and look over.

Giggling at his confusion." What do you mean Tony?" I ask tucking my laptop under my arm. He shook his head with a smile.

"Nevermind." I nod and quickly leave the room.


"Shes Different," Wanda says sitting on the bartop. Tony looked at her with a smile."She's not different she used to be like this years ago."

He says fondly. Steves eyebrows furrowed."Really I never remember her being like this." Tony nodded.

"When she first started and I kept trying to sleep with her she was just like this." Bruce smacked the back of Tony's head.

"Ow." Natasha snickered. Clint leaned against the fridge."What did Fury say?" He questioned.

"Well, tonight there's supposed to be a debrief about this guy named Luke whatever his last name is."

Tony says sipping his coffee. "The man from Hydra." A deep voice rang out through the kitchen.

Everyone looked over to see Bucky."Good morning to you too." Steve says chuckling.

"Also her fiance." Tony says looking over to Bucky."You think she knew?" Natasha asks."No Honey would never betray us or me."

Tony says confidently."How do you know that?" Natasha questioned. Tony glared at her.

"She was too busy being beaten to ask questions." Natasha choked on her coffee. Clint patted her back.

"Jesus Tony," Bruce says sighing. Tony shrugged his shoulders."It's the truth I had to deal with the medical leave so I got the file."

Steve looked at him."And you didn't care to mention it?" Tony rolled his eyes."Well, I told Peter well technically he stole the file."

Bucky crossed his arms."This is serious, did it mention how long she was gone for? A week Tony!"

Buckys raised voice made the older man scoff."You don't think I know that? But you didn't see the photos the fucking aftermath."

He says looking down at his coffee. Wanda looked over."Tony how bad was it." He ran a hand through his hair.

Wanda looked over but then her eyes watered."She was pregnant he- he." She put her hands over her face.

Natasha looked over."Tony we are going to the meeting room and we're all seeing the file right fucking now."

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