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I reached over to check in on Peter who was doing homework. I sat beside him typing on my computer.

"You okay Sweetie?" I questioned my hand on his shoulder. He nodded. I took his chin and gently turned him towards me.

I noticed the circles around the under of his eyes. As well as the clear soreness in his shoulders.

"Go take a shower im gonna make dinner." I say letting go and getting up."Just let me finish this paragraph."

"Baby go shower your laptops not gonna float away im gonna make tea." He nodded and closed the laptop.

Even if it was begrudgingly. I just chuckled and went to start cooking. As I did I realized what I called him.

Deciding to chalk it up to a caring name I drifted off into thought ad I cooked. What the hell was it gonna be like going back?

Of course, I didn't cook dinner for them because of their behavior but I doubt they minded that.

Sometimes they preferred to order out. But I know they would question me on where Peter went.

I wouldn't relent. He needs rest and there pushing him too hard. He's still a kid. He's also a kid in college who's trying his best to please everyone.

It's wearing him. I know how it feels. So im gonna keep him with me to help him out for as long as he needs.

Honestly I think they stress him out sometimes. Especially with how much they disregard him and his emotions.

Then I felt guilt. I left Bucky all by himself. He didn't do a thing but in my own anger I forget all about my other priorities.

Though that begs the question does Peter deal with any PTSD?" I knew he was hero way before we met him.

So he must have some problems. Do they just glance over those too?" I felt my grip tighten on the pot I was stirring.

I needed answers. Because everyone in this relationship they have going on seems to be very...unhealthy.

I know for a fact Noone but Steve trusts Bucky enough to give him a chance. Which means most nights he sleeps alone.

Surrounded by all his soulmates that want nothing to do with him. I do think Peter is the closest to him besides Steve.

But Peter has always had that forgiving and understanding nature about him. Many of the Avengers have their own trauma and don't seem to want to work past it.

Honestly I had never even dwelled on the fact that their relationship was even healthy or not.

Because even if my job was to observe I never quite could work out how they all worked out.

It was strange. Some of them had qualms with each other some of them didn't. Some prefer to sleep separate while others don't.

I think the whole relationship has gotten skewed in between their own Hero duties. But none of them seem to realize it.

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