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I couldn't breathe as I unlocked the door. My whole body shook needing the air but I refused to make a sound.

When it opened I felt my body get thrown against a wall. "WHERE WERE YOU!" I weakly tucked away my things in the corner.

Supporting myself against the wall next to me I looked up."I stayed late for work." It was like my voice had come to deaf ears.


"TAKE IT." I felt my body shake. I stayed in place. He looked at me with anger in his eyes.

"DONT MAKE ME REPEAT MYSELF." He says walking over. I quickly get up and limp to the bathroom already knowing my leg was bruised from the wall.

Closing the door I open it and see a set of three. All rapid tests. I knew exactly why he gave me them.

A month back I mentioned my period being late. He freaked out. Though I don't believe he registered it until now.

I thought he would be happy. Even if I didn't believe I was that late. Though now I know he thinks I've been cheating.

Even after giving him the location of me at all times. He tracks my phone. So as I looked at the now three wet tests I sat there.

Anxiety coursed through my veins as I waited. I could hear his pacing outside of the bathroom door.

Leaning against the door I started to feel fear. This is the first time he's ever been so angry at me.

But I don't believe he will take it far tonight im pregnant maybe he will let up. And we'll kiss and he'll take care of me.

I smile at the thought. But when I hear a vase break I felt my whole body shake.  "He loves me, he loves me," I repeated over and over again.

He wasn't going to hurt me. I'm being dramatic. I was always dramatic. I shouldn't have stayed late.

That's my fault. This is my fault. If I came home like I was supposed to a candlelit dinner would be waiting for me.

But I was selfish. I didn't consider his feelings. Yes, that's it. I know better. He knows I know better.

Then I heard it my phone alarm. Looking down at it I turn it off. Then I slid up the door. Slowly walking to the tests.


Tears fell from my eyes. I was safe. I was safe. I was safe. Picking them up I walk out of the bathroom.

There he stood. Though when he took them from my hand and saw them he paused. Before throwing them against the wall.

"Youve been cheating on me!" He screamed in anger. "I know you have with that Tony Stark and here's the proof. My fiance's a dirty whore!"

He spat out. I started to back away. But it was too late. I was too late to stop him.

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