13-Shaken Up

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"One Two, One Two." Is all she muttered as she was carried out on a stretcher. Her body was lined with bruises.

Her boyfriend struggled against the Shield agents and she sat there. Blankly staring at the medics.

They both seemed to talk but she couldn't understand what they were saying."One Two, One two."

She repeated as they both rolled her into the truck. Though as she lay there tears fell from her eyes.

She was still. That's what made the paramedics uneasy. "Honey? Honey can you hear me."

She nodded her head before passing out. The medics rushed around her. Though as the cars left.

Fury stood on the phone his eyes showing compassion as he looked at the messy apartment.

"I believe she's been going through this for a long time. Though we will get the psych eval by Tommrow."

His finger swept over the counter. Spotless."No, I don't think she was ever planning to tell us they never do."

He says making it to her room. Looking around at the disgustingly perfect room he shook his head.

"Tony we'll talk in the morning get some rest we all need it." Though as Fury ended the call he looked at her bathroom.

There was a basket of medical supplies and an unknown creme. Of course, some pain pills were in there as well.

Grabbing the cream he quickly left the apartment no longer being able to stand in it. Then a female agent went in to gather her things.

He would make sure she would never come back again.


When I woke and looked down at my legs I sighed. Getting up I look at the monitors they seemed to look down upon me.

Though I was far too tired to delve into it. Rubbing my eyes I yawned. I remember what happened.

Bits and pieces. Though I don't feel anything. It was the greatest thing I could do. Though now that I realize what I did.

I felt my chest begin to go up and down rapidly. Gripping the plastic beside me I try to calm myself down.

But I knew it. I knew that if he sees me again he would kill me. I pressed my panic button and they came.

They came to me. Naked on the floor covered in bruises. Putting a hand on my chest I try to keep calm.

But I couldn't my brain was getting bombarded by all these memories. "One two, one, two, one-two."

I kept repeating it hoping it would help. But I didn't I felt my heartbeat out of my chest as I fell backward.

Shifting I felt my own nails dig into my palms. Tears built up inside of my throat. Giving me the familiar sensation it always does.

But this time I felt it much more intense. Because now I remembered. I remembered exactly why I pressed the button.

He killed my baby. He kicked me over and over and over again. Until he knew it was dead.

And until blood dripped down my chin. But at least I was the world's greatest masterpiece.

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