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1 week 5 days 127 hours 7,620 minutes and 457,200 seconds. That's how long I've been stuck here.

I got so bored I calculated the exact seconds I had been in here for. Though now I was standing in front of a mirror.

Looking at the wide area for colors on my body. Blues purples pinks yellows greens oranges reds.

Though as I stood I soon heard the door. Throwing on the ugly blue gown I was given I sit down.

"Ah, Honey your awake-" "Call me Camille please." Fury stood surprised for a second not expecting me to speak.

I always did wonder why none ever called me by my name. Honey or Wendy sometimes. But never my actual name.

Though he always called me by my middle name Wendy. Though when he was happiest he would call me Camille.

He never called me by my nickname unless he was around my parents. The first time I was called Honey must have been Tony.

He always hated my last name said it was too long."Camille?" I looked up now realizing I had been lost in thought.

"Fury," I said tiredly. He seemed stiff off."Youve been out for a week on medical leave." I shot up.

But not before wincing. "You might not want to do that." I glared and sat back down."The Avengers have been told and Tony Stark had no problem with it now-"

The door opened and a woman with a clipboard came in. I shrank back. I always hated therapists.

Fury held the bridge of his nose."You were supposed to wait outside. Though now that you here mise well tell her."

I looked at him."Tell me what?" I was fine. Though he was acting as if I was criminally insane.

"Tony and I have talked and we've decided to be able to work again you have to-" "be cleared by me."

The female cut in. I looked over to her and laughed."Your ridiculous I can't believe this I'm fine Fury I don't need this shrink to tell me so."

Fury stood and sighed."I'll leave her to you." He then left through the door. The shrink, the woman in question dragged out a chair.

And sat in it. I already hated her. She opened her book with a pen and then looked at me."Now let's start with the beginning of your relationship with Luke Hurest."

I looked at her and wrapped my arms around me legs."If I tell you can I go back to work?" I question my eyes shifting up to her body.

"Possibly." She says writing something down."I won't tell you anything if I cant go back to work."

She sighed and snapped her notebook closed."This is not a negotiation Camille." I looked at her once more.

Straight black hair boring grey eyes and dark red lipstick. She seemed to be already tired of me.

But I had no idea why."Your right it isn't." I say before looking out the window.

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