15-All Over Again

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"So Tell me about how you met?"

"..He was charming nice he..cared."

"Did he ever make promises he didn't keep?"


"Youve been together a long time right?"

"Six years nine days five hours."

"So you've kept track why?"

"I don't know."

~scribble scribble~

"Ok..when did he start hitting you?"

"Can we talk about something else?"

"We can talk about whatever your comfortable with."

"I never really liked our apartment."


"The view was terrible when we went to see it but he insisted it was perfect I trusted him."

"I see what about the view didn't you like?"

"We were on the second floor and when you looked out the window you only saw the next building. I never liked the lack of light."

~scribble scribble~

"So your not fond of the dark?"


"Have you always been afraid of the dark."


"When did the fear start?"

"Can we talk about something else?"

~scribble scribble~

"Have you always liked the hours you work?"

"Yes, but he never did."


"Was there a reason he didn't like it?"

"Like what?"

"The hours you work."

"He didn't like not knowing when I would come home he said it was for my safety."

"So he liked to know at all times where you are what you were doing?"

"I didn't say that."



"Answer the question."

"He only wanted me to be safe."

"Okay did he ever think that your weren't at work doing something else?"

"Somtimes but it was rare."

~scribble scribble~

"Did you ever find it demeaning he accused you of that?"

"Why would I find it demeaning?"

"Why wouldn't you Camille?"

"He only wants what's best for me. He was good to me."

~scribble scribble~

"Could you stop that."

"Stop what?"

"Writing things."


"I don't like it."

"Does it make you nervous?"

"Just stop it."


~scribble scribble~

"He only hit me sometimes at first."

"Did he ever tell you why?"

"He always said sorry after."

"How did you feel when he hit you?"

"My mother always told me if a man hit you it was because you deserved it."

"Do you believe that?"

"No not anymore."

~scribble scribble~

"What do you believe?"

"I think he hit me so I knew what would happen if I did something wrong."

"Did he still hit you if you didn't do anything wrong?"

"Only sometimes when he was stressed."

"So when he was stressed he hit you?"

"Yes but It's not his fault."

"So who's fault is it?"

"Mine I always made him stressed he says I was dramatic made him angry."

"So every time he hit you, you thought it was your fault?"


~scribble scribble~

"So what made you press the button."

"Can we talk about something-"

"What made you press the button Camille."

"He accused me of cheating had this look in his eyes i'd never seen him like that."

"What did he do?"

"He hit me until he knew."

"Knew what?"

"That it was gone."

"What was gone."

"My baby."

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