3-Familiarity Breeds Friendship

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"When is your birthday?" I tilt my head."February 14." Peter then looked at me intently.

"Your hobbies?" I fell quiet."Ballet Gardening and painting." Then he took a sip of his glass."Do you have soulmates?"

I took a sip of my drink and them I nodded my head."Yes." He looked at me his eyes widened.

"Have you met them?" I smiled."No." Then I started to eat."Ballet I've never took you as a dancer."

Tony says looking at me."Well I do not do it anymore." I say before my phone rings. Getting up I excuse myself before walking off into the living room.

"Ah miss Roserta." I never liked the woman she was always too touchy for my liking. But then again maybe I was just not touchy enough.

"I was hoping you weren't busy but I would like to attend tomorrow nights ball." I chuckle.

"Ah everyone wishes to attend but you know the invitations are limited." I always made sure to be silky smooth when addressing people.

It always helped when I told them no. "But dear I am very useful yes I often sponsor Stark Industries."

I sighed already feeling irritated. Everyone always thought they were better than the other.

While in truth all of them where simply pawns compared to the real pieces. "I apologise miss Roserta but my hands are tied goodnight."

I hung up not wishing to deal with any such thing. Walking back to the table I smiled."I apologise Peter but I have work to do good night."

I say before walking off towards my office. I usually stayed late and drove home. Surprisingly all the years I've worked here I never moved in.

After all, I liked the separation. I learned very early on that separation keeps everything together.

But now I fear it may fall apart. In the last Eleven years, I have never told any of the Avengers anything personal about me.

Never not until today. What does it mean? It means that now they are more curious. Curiosity breeds familiarity.

Familiarity only ever brings friendship and friendship always makes things harder. It's always why I've kept my distance.

Keeping everything apart is the only way one lived all these years in peace. But now I also have fears.

If they find out that their last piece had been there the whole time I could only assume there would be anger.

Of course there would be. But if it was anything like his..maybe I could handle it. After all im used to his anger.

His anger made the walls shake and the ground sink in beneath me. His anger made my skin bruise.

His anger made my chest tighten and my body still. But I could take his anger. Because it was normal.

It was my regular. I couldn't handle calmness I couldn't handle pity and I couldn't handle love.

But those weren't important. Because if I could handle his anger...I could handle anything.

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