19-Please let me Go

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"So the Microngrid will help with the theory of-Peter?" I question looking at him. He was dozing off on my shoulder

His head popped up."Im listening." He muttered rubbing his eyes."Did you sleep last night?"

I questioned worriedly. He nodded but I could see through him. Taking his face I look at the dark circles under his eyes.

"Peter..you can't do everything for others but not yourself you need sleep." He nodded his head and I smiled.

"You've finished with your work so you can take a nap if you wish I'll be right here," I say letting go of his face.

But he took my hands. "Can you.." I chuckled at his stuttering. Moving the laptop on the side table I put his head on my lap and I gently kneed his temples.

He fell asleep easily and I gently shifted him to a pillow so I could work. But I used my left hand to slowly thread through his soft curls.

Though halfway through my work I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Sighing I continued typing.

That's when I noticed the footsteps getting louder. What the hell were they up to? I could already feel the headache.

Then my phone rang. Great. Tapping my nails against the pad of my laptop I answer."Hello?"

"Oh, you've finally picked up." I felt my eyes roll back into my head."Mr. Robert what can I do for you?"

I ask boredly tapping away at a contract."Well regarding your leave of absence I want to apologize but I have some missed work."

I feel my eyes close."Send it over have a gooday, Mr. Robert." I say before hanging up. Taking a deep breath I yawn.

Then I feel as if im being watched. Looking over to the doorway I see everyone. What in the world."Do you need something?"

I question my hand stalling for a minute. But Peter whined so I continued. Mr. Stark looked at me and then he put his hands behind himself.

"Mr. Stark, what is it?" He only ever did that when he was having trouble saying something.

Usually bad news. That's when Steve pushed past him."We need to talk to you." I felt my face turn stoic.

"Regarding what?" I question crossing my legs. Steve crossed his arms."Your leave of absence."

I chuckled."Well, then the conversation is over because that is personal something you have no access to."

I say simply before going back to typing. "Honey-" I felt myself snap."Camille, you are to address me as Camille."

I say anger in my tone. Steve looked at me surprised."..Camille you are a part of the Avengers so it is-"

"Not.Your.Concern I am employed to Tony Stark which you-" I stand "are not concerned Mr. Rodgers so I respect you understand me when I say this-"

Closing my laptop I tuck it under my arm walking up to him I glare."You are not my boss you are not my friend and you are certainly not responsible for me."

Then I shove past him looking back "I will be leaving and working outside of the tower if you need me for an actual task call me."

I say before storming out.

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