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Steve stood stiff as he processed what had just happened. "I told you it was a bad idea you pushed too hard."

Tony says walking into the kitchen running a hand through his hair. Steve stormed in behind him.

"What did you expect for me not to question her who she was associated with?" Steve questioned angrily.

Tony looked at him."What the fuck do you think of her? Do you think she would ever betray us? If anything we should apologize!"

He shouted angrily palms on the counter. Steve looked at him."Your too blinded by her to ever question her!"

Peter walked in tired and now pissed off."Your an insensitive prick Steve she lost her baby because she stayed back to help like she was hired too!"

"She forced me to sleep because she saw how tired I was! She returned home every day to a man who hit her and she came back to work for us every day! If anything im starting to question your morals!"

He shouted angrily. Steve stood still never seeing Peter so angry before. Tony sighed."Im going down to the lab."

He says grabbing a bottle of whiskey and waking out. Peter shook his head."Im going to Mays,"

He walked out. Leaving everyone else to argue amongst themselves.


Camille sighed as she sat in her living room. Her eyes strained as she looked at her laptop screen.

Her legs were crossed as she leaned against her low-sitting black sofa. Though even as she typed she was thinking of something else.

The way she lashed out. It was...refreshing. She hadn't been able to act how she felt for a long time.

It was nice for once. Sometimes she felt anger or sadness anguish but she never could express them.

But after that, she would be expressing them much more. She felt like she was finally free. Finally her old self again.

So she decided to keep that momentum. Though she was thrown off when she heard a knock on her door.

Getting up she grabbed her gun off a shelf and cocked it. It was required for her job when attending events with Tony.

Her hand was still as she opened the door only to see the tall brunette. She was quick as she put her gun on safety.

"Peter?" She questioned opening her door only to be attacked by a hug. "Im sorry Honey but I got in an argument with Tony and-"

She rubbed his back soothing and shushing him."Shh, it's okay Peter you don't have to explain your always welcome here."

She says closing the door with her foot behind her before walking to her living room. Peter was shaking tears falling down his cheeks.

Sighing she sat and continued to soothe him her eyes hardening. If they were going to act like this she didn't care whether they knew or not.

Because she may be mated to them but she wouldn't let it blind her from their behavior.

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