6-Bad Habits

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Look ahead calculated on time perfect. I repeat this every morning. Though this morning I have to do it a few more times.

Last night had me a bit more dizzy than usual. He pulled fewer punches than usual. Which is worrying.

As I can't remember exactly what I could have done this time. Perhaps I forgot to clean up the living room exactly how he likes it.

Sometimes I forget. That must have been the reason. "Good Morning Honey." I jumped looking up at the man who stood in front of me.

"James, I apologize did I wake you up this morning?" He was quiet."No, but I wanted to ask you about your lip."

I felt my body tense. I must have forgotten about that this morning. Shit. I smile...a defense mechanism.

"Oh, I had split it this morning on accident no worries." It was almost robotic. My voice. So calm smooth calculated.

Because I had said this many times before. Though I hope none of the assassins catch on. It was the one thing I worried about.

James was quiet as he looked at me before nodding. His body quickly disappeared into the kitchen.

I let out a sigh before continuing my track to their room. Checking my watch I walk a little faster.

It took longer this morning to hide my bruises so it made me a little late. Which is my fault I should have gotten up earlier.

fixing my skirt I take one last shaky breath before opening the door."Good morning It is time to get up Mr. Stark Miss Potts has requested you in fifteen minutes."

I say hearing the regular groans as I close the door. Checking my watch I quickly make my way to the kitchen.

There's nothing more I hated than being late. Snapping in a rhythmic tone I urge myself to move.

The soreness is worse today. He did do a number on me last night. I had already taken pain medication but it still hurt.

Once I made it to the kitchen I busied myself with making a fruit platter then eggs bacon and hash browns for Mr. Stark.

He always liked full breakfasts before meetings with Pepper. I know because after their break up he found her vexing.

Or in his words 'a jealous obsessed bitch.' I was quick as I made the meal moving a little slower this morning.

I kept glancing at my watch my usually stoic face a bit softer today. For some reason, I couldn't stop the feeling in my chest.

I wouldn't bother with it right now because in all my years I've never been late and I wouldn't start now.

Once I finished I wiped down the stove and put his plate on the counter a lid on it. Checking the time I soon hear footsteps.

Some more than others. This time everyone was back from their respective missions so the kitchen was much fuller today.

I had to be extra careful.

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