27-Open Eyes

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2 months later.

"Are you sure you want to go in?" I questioned my eyes looking at the tower from the stop light.

"Im ready." Peter says confidently. I squeezed his hand."Good." Though I could only think of the worst as I drove closer.

For the past months me and Peter have been working on his issues with anxiety and we've gotten very far.

Of course I took him to therapy and he now takes medication for this but he functions pretty well with me.

Though even after so long of him getting better I can't help but feel as if Tony will break him down again.

"Honey?" Peter questioned. I looked over now realizing we were parked.My hands were gripping the wheel and Peter took my hand and put it to his cheek.

"Ill be fine." I nod slowly not wanting to let him go. But I would he returning with him. After all I had dodged the teams questions.

As well as keeping up my spray and avoiding Tony at all costs. But now I would be facing him head on.

God. Smoothing out my pants I walk alongside Peter. He insisted we matched and he wore a techy outfit.

Since I still look like im in my teens I easily looked perfect next to him. As well as today was mandatory non business wear day.

Using my card I override the elevator and step in. Peter comes behind me. Typing in the floor we needed to be I looked over.

He was quiet. Facing him I took his face in my hands. His eyes were cold and he seemed shut off.

He was going to attempt to go through this unscathed. He was of course stronger now. But I still felt worried.

Kissing him I felt his hands on my waist. He was nervous and I needed him to not be. This last week we had just started to date.

I told him until he was done with recovery I wouldn't push anything on him. Even if he told me he needed me.

I decided to keep our friendship so he could be in a good state of mind before making any major decisions.

Pulling away I noticed his eyes they were still cold. But he was confident. Pecking his cheek I moved to beside him once again.

The elevator opened and we walked through. Today was the meeting and we were right on time. Opening the door for him I smirk.

He walked in tall shoulders apart and stance strong. Tony looked at him and then me. I walked in behind him.

I have my hair in a loose bun with strands and curls coming out. The outfit I wore complimented my curves.

Peter sat in his regular seat. Next to James. The seat was empty on his other side. I sat my face stoic as I pressed my lips together.

"Todays meeting is to focause on the missions in the upcoming months since it is the new year."

(Her outfit)

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(Her outfit)

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