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"I won't expect any explanation but I will ask you, for one thing, block them for a little while let yourself rest."

I say putting the bowl down in front of him and gently patting his shoulder before walking to clean the kitchen up.

I watched from the sink as he smiled a little before seemingly doing exactly what I advised.

Then he ate his soup and calmly watched me. I enjoyed his company. But I think he enjoyed mine more.

My apartment was very dim. Not so overstimulating. I wasn't expecting anything from him.

He didn't need todo anything here. It was a safe place where he could relax. This time I think he's actually taking advantage of it.

I wonder how long it's been since he's been able to rest and recuperate not just his body but his mental health?

I decided to text Sheild that Peter Parker AKA Spiderman would be taking his vacation time for a month.

I sent him the email as well to make sure he was okay with it. "Its okay thank-you." He says with a smile before going back to eating the cornbread on his bowl.

I sent it and then continued to clean. I'm glad he came to me. For fear of him breaking down with someone who has no idea how to handle it.

Then I decided to look into his file. Did anyone care to check on his mental state? Were these panic attacks normal?

Was no one worried about him enough I ask? I almost felt powerless not being able to know the full extent of what was going on.

That's when my phone rang. It was a low buzz and I picked it up answering it in a hushed voice.

"Hello." I answered lighting an incense."Honey thank God you picked up Peter isn't answering-"

"I know." I say calmly walking to my couch."You know then tell me where he is he needs to-"

"He doesn't need to do anything he dosn't want to Mr Stark. He is currently on leave and will not be returning to the tower."

"Exuse me?" Tony asks. I tried to calm myself."Nick Fury is aware of this and approved his request his location will be concealed until he deems it so."

Tony was silent."Honey as your boss you need to tell me where he is." I scoff."As he is an human being he is permitted his own confidentiality I apologize sir have a good night."

I end the call and fold the blankets on the couch. Peter looks over worridly."You didn't have to do that."

I shake my head."You are allowed to say no Peter your not just a rag doll who does whatever the Avengers ask, your a human being."

He sniffled and looked at me."Thankyou." He says seemingly exhausted."Why don't you go to bed ill take care of the dishes."

He went to protest but I shook me head."Ill be up for awhile and my bed is large enough to fit both of us if your comfortable with that of course."

He nodded and tiredly got up wobbling off. He was not going to be neglected under my watch. Not.Ever.

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