The jog of a lifetime

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Laura's pov:

The streets are empty and the sky is dark. The sun hasn't come out yet and by my guess, I've still got about an hour.

The lights from nearby lamp-posts flicker on and off making it seem like I'm in a horror movie and the ghost is about to jump out at any minute. But I'm not scared. I know this place well enough to know there is nothing to fear. Especially when I know there are cottages surrounding me everywhere. And sleeping people, inside.

It's been 2 days since the end of my grounding. Or should I say 'our' grounding. As in the one Ross and I shared.

It really wasn't that bad if you ask me. Ross over exaggerated a lot of it.

I feel my sneakers collide with the wet pavement of the sidewalk as I force my tired legs to push on forwards.

I don't know how long I have been jogging for. But I do know it's been more than an hour at least.

I squeeze my eyes tightly together and the feeling of fatigue sweeps past me.

The muscles throughout my body are tense as well as the layers of skin around my eyes. I am tired. And I know it.

I don't normally run this much. It wasn't even intentional. I couldn't sleep and the next thing I knew I was jogging.

I feel my knees buckle after one long stride and decide to take a break. The wall of a tiny cottage next to me is big enough to hide my presence from the owner but small enough to allow anyone sitting at the corners to easily spot me.

I find myself collapse against it and watch the ocean ahead of me. Pain surges through ever muscle in my body before I realize it isn't pain. My muscles are tired.

I can feel the sweat from all around my body drip and stick in places I normally don't feel accustomed to. The cool morning breeze helps a lot.

Thank the lord I don't have to feel too icky... I think, that would really suck.

"Can't sleep?" Someone says from my left.

My head quickly turns and my eyes widen. "Ross! How did you find me? I mean, I'm not exactly 'close' to the cottage..."

He eyes me with an amused expression before saying, "You weren't in your bed when I woke up so I figured you went out. Plus I looked for you at the cottage and this is the normal jogging route I take so..."

"You jog?" I ask suddenly. My eyes narrow in confusion and I can't help but think. Since when does he jog?

"Yeah." He chuckles and brings an arm to the back of his neck. He rubs it like he were nervous.
"Quite frequently actually. I also work out on my own a lot. You know, lift weights, do a couple push-ups, chin-ups, Stuff like that."

The tone he uses sounds as if he were trying to impress me. A small smirk finds its way to my lips and I decide to tease him. "So what happened? Why aren't you in shape or like I don't know. Muscular?"

The look on Ross's face turns from a proud smile to an embarrassed look. "Um... I.. That's because... Well you see... Okay. So, we Lynch boys..."

I press my lips into a thin line and hope my suppressed smile didn't show.

He is so lying. I think to myself deviously. That little liar.

"How many weights can you lift?" I continue pressing harder.

His face reddens deeply as if he were underwater and couldn't breathe.

"Okay fine." He sighs, "So I don't work out. But I do jog! Sometimes..."

That makes me laugh. A genuine laugh. "So why did you lie?"

He looks down towards his feet and I notice him shift uncomfortably. "Because.. I Uh..."

"Don't lie..." I press with a smirk.

"Fine." He sighs and tilts his head up slightly to face me. He looks like a lost puppy who's done something wrong. I can't help but stare at his cheeks. They are now pink and I am not sure whether or not it's from the cool morning breeze or just his blush. Either way, he is hot. I'll give him that. "Because I wanted to impress you~"

That sends a warm feeling down my core but I ignore it. "Me? Why would you want to impress me?"

"I don't know~" He shrugs nonchalantly his attention turns back towards his feet. "I'm a guy. It's what we do."

I roll my eyes realizing he has ruined the moment. 'I'm a guy' seriously!? Of course he would say that.

Ross notices my expression when I don't say anything. "Hey. You okay?"

"I'm a guy? It's what we do?" I mock him angrily. "Ross that is such a typical and shallow thing for you to say!" I don't know why I'm getting so mad but I am.

"I'm sorry..." He stammers and takes a step back from me. "I didn't exactly mean it. I... I just didn't know what else to say."

My cold eyes dig a hole in his and for the first time since he had shown up, I realize just how loud we actually are. The streets grow dead silent once we stop talking and I can't help but hope no one has woken to hear our conversation. I've never actually experienced this before. The calmness of the world. The silence. I'm so used to the city. Everyone being loud and noisy no matter the time or day. This is nice. The silence.

"It's okay." I say with a softened tone.

"Hey look!" The sadness in his voice has been replaced by happiness and excitement. I turn my head back towards the sea only to find the sky turning a bright shade of yellow. "The sun is coming up..."

"Isn't it beautiful?" I breathe out. Im surprised he actually hears that considering I barely hear myself. I say it so quietly. It's like I'm scared if I say anything too loud it'll ruin the perfect moment I'm having now.

"Yeah. It is. But you're gorgeous."

That catches me off guard. "I'm sorry what?"

"I said you're gorgeous." He grins and is now facing me completely. He's completely wiped the memory of the rising sun away from his mind and replaces it with our conversation. Or rather, the one we are currently having.

We look into each other's eyes deeply as if we are a young couple in love. We aren't in love. Are we? Or at least I'm not... I don't think... Wait is he? No... Nope. There is no way.

I quickly snap out of the stare we both share when a nearby bird makes a loud noise. It temporarily freaks me out and I mentally thank the bird for interrupting us. Who knows what awkward situation could have happened if we continued staring at each other.

I realize I haven't said anything so I quickly mumble a quick thank you and stand up. I wipe the invisible dirt off my butt and turn towards the direction of the cottage. "I'm heading back."

"Okay." He says simply. He doesn't turn to look at me. Instead he stares at the ocean sea and it's now colorful coat
of different colors made by the sun. "I think I'm going to stay for a while."

I nod my head before realizing he can't see me and say, "Okay." Before turning back towards the path I had came.

That was quite some intense jog...

Hope you like it. Sorry it took so long.

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