Love of my life

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Laura pov:

Ross got a girlfriend last week.

Riker farted in his sleep last week.

Rocky pooped in his sleep last week.

Yeah, a lot has happened last week.

Rydel: So, Ratliff is an awesome boyfriend and he got all of us reservations to that new really classy restaurant ! The one that makes you dress up all fancy and everything

Stormie and I applauded as the boys just groaned

Rydel: Hey- it's fancy food. Fancy food is always good so suck it up !

Rocky: Yo, I ain't no wearing no tux

Ryland: Me too !

Ross: I really don't care- I look good in everything (he smirked cockily)

My attention turned towards Riker as he scoffed

Riker: not everything brother (He mummbled)

Rocky: why did Ratliff even get the seats in the first place ?

Rydel: for our anniversary. Duhh

Rocky did have a point, but i wasn't gonna ask. Rocky already did and it was obvious Rydel tried to change the subject. I know her too well.

Rocky: but wouldnt you guys wanna be alo-

Stormie: i dont care- i just wanna go. Your father (she gave mark a look) wouldnt take me no matter how long i begged.

I notice Rydel sigh of relief when Stormie interrupted him. Something isn't right, why does she seem so .. Sad ?

Mark: what ? I thought you liked going to that burger shack i always take you too ! Change is never a good thing sweetie

I laughed at how cheap he was being.

Riker: Where is Rat- anyway ?

Rydel: He went out somewhere..

Ryland: Where too ?

Rydel: i dont know.. (She mummbled)

Riker: How can you not know that's just du-


Okay something is definitely wrong..


The lynch boys went out to get a tux. Apparently no tux no restaurant.

They tried getting out of it but you know- not to brag, but I convinced them with my awesome skills.

Okay, fine.. Stormie convinced them..


Stormie: You told me you were free all day- you said there was absolutely no way there would be work today.. Remember ? When we were in bed.. We kissed.. We did some things, and you grabbed my -

Rocky: MOM ! Let's keep it PG In her kay... Please. For our sake...

The room was dead silent. Saying it was Awkward would be an understatement.

I clapped my hands together desperately trying to turn this conversation around cuz' it just had taken a turn for the worst.

Laura: OKAY ! So! Tux shopping it is -


(Getting ready)

Rydel had me locked in her room for hours just so she could "help me look good" whatever that's supposed to mean.

Like was that supposed to be an insult ? A slight hint to let me know I dress horribly ? Do i normally not dress well ? Do I have horrible fashion ? Like why does she do this to me ?

Laura: So.. Since you won't let me out... Wanna tell me what's wrong ?

I turned towards Rydel watching her casually put her hoops on then immediately stop.

Rydel: Nothings wrong..

I admit, she was a good liar. Her expression went back to normal just as fast as it had came but her voice was quieter, almost.. Weak and fragile. I knew I had caught her.

Laura: Delly.. You can tell me anything.

I stood up from her bed, and hugged her from behind in her bathroom.

I felt her tense up then relax.

Rydel: it's just.. This is me and Ratliff's 7 month anniversary (she turned around to face me)

I noticed tears on the edges if her eyes, wow.. This was really getting to her.

Rydel: A..And he told me he would plan something special.. I just.. I just didn't think it would be with my family.

Laura: Oh rydel...

I felt had for her. I really did. I mean, who wants to spend their anniversary with their family ? That's just weird.

Rydel: Don't get me wrong.. I love my family, i love you, your a sister to me, my best friend.. But.. I don't know... Maybe i'm being stupid. I guess i just wanted this night to be just me and him..

I nodded understandingly before her last sentence caught up to me.

Laura: Wait what !?

Rydel: What ? (She barely said in a whisper)

Laura: What did you just say !?

Rydel looked at me confused

Rydel: I... wanted this night to be just me and ... him ??

I shook my head rapidly, a grin forming on my face

Laura: Noo after that !!

She gave me a confused look before realization dawned in her eyes.

Rydel: i said..

Rydel: I said he was the love of my life...


Finally updated !!

Thanks for sticking with me guys ! Please vote and comment and share my stories ! Thanks !! Please bare with me and wait for my updates ! Thanks you guys are the love of my life for voting !! And sharing !! And commenting !!!

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