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Laura's pov:

I can feel myself dying.

People come in here trying to avoid the word death, like i'm some sick patient who's gonna freak once it's out in the open.

I know i'm dying guys. You don't need to treat me like i'm gonna pass out any minute.


Riker's pov:

"Guys," I said lifting myself onto the island in the middle of the kitchen.

Mom called a family meeting earlier about yesterdays news, and I was the last to arrive. I'm surprised everyone was so calm about the situation after a good nights sleep, "I think we should tell Laura Mycenna was behind all this."

"We can't!" Delly called out, "We can't do that to Laura..."

I turned my head, facing her; and scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion, "Why not?"

"Because," she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "Laura will want to talk to Mycenna and she'll hurt herself. The poor girl can't feel her body; you know that Riker."

Looking down at my lap I sighed.

She did have a point.

"Laura deserves to know Rydel." Mom said breaking the silence, "She needs to know, her parents already tried suing us once."

"All in favour to tell Laura?" Dad boomed; loud and clear.

I watched as my family members raised their hands one by one, including Ratliff; except Rydel.

"Ughh!" Rocky groaned throwing his body forwards in his seat, than pulling it back dramatically, "I thought we already agreed to tell Rydel!"

"I..I know.." She said quietly staring at the floor, "but.. I; are you sure this is what's best for Laura?"

I put a hand behind my neck rubbing it. Out of all of us, besides Ross, Rydel was always the one that cared most about her.

Don't get me wrong, we all care about Laura, but... Rydel just has this indescribable bond with her.

"Yeah, were sure." Mom smiled, placing a hand on her cheek.

Rydel sighed and looked towards her feet nodding slightly.

I guess were off to the hospital.


Laura's pov:

Almost falling asleep I woke up with a sudden jolt, a loud bang coming from my door.

What the...

I made an attempt to sit up when I remembered I couldn't.

Stupid numbness.

Waiting patiently for the door to open, I watched as Rocky and the rest of the Lynches burst through the door looking annoyed.

"Uh.. Hiya.." I said cautiously, "Wanna tell me what just happened?"

Riker rolled his eyes and glared at Rocky, "Genius over here, ran straight into the door; forgetting he had to actually pull down the handle, than push."

I tried to stifle my laugh but failed. Without my hands it was very hard.

Rocky rolled his eyes, tilting his head to the right so his bangs wouldn't get in the way, "Whatever.."

"So as much as your company amuses me," I said with a chuckle, "What's up?"

"How are you doing sweetie?" Stormie rushed to my side and gripped onto my hands.

I felt a pang of disappointment when I couldn't feel it.

Yesterday they visited, my hands and everything was soar.. But now, it's numb.

My whole bodies numb. I thought i'd have at least a few more weeks but apparently I barely even had a day.

I tried hiding the disappointment but I guess I wasn't good enough cuz' Stormie noticed, and let go.

"You okay?" She asked scrunching up her brows

I nodded with a forced smile, hoping she'd drop the subject but she didn't.

"Laura," she said sternly, "What's wrong?"

I stared at her eyes, realizing just how tired she looked.

"Fine.." I sighed, "It's nothing really.. My whole bodies just numb so when you grabbed my hands I realized I couldn't feel it.. I guess it just got to me.."

Gasps came from every family member as I let them soak it in.

"But you said you were soar just yesterday.." Delly said, walking towards me.

"Yeah.. But now i'm all numb." I said simply.

"Okay well we actually came to tell you something so.." Ratliff nudged Rocky to speak but both boys just ended up fighting.

"Don't touch me!" Rocky growled, slapping him on the shoulder

Slapping back, Ratliff growled, "Don't touch me!"

I can't believe they're doing this here.

"Boys!" Mark yelled sending me an apologetic look.

"Actually it's about your sickness." Ross said from behind Riker. I didn't realize he was there...

"Ross.." I said quietly staring at him.

He hasn't visited me in a while.. I never thought he would.

"Hey Laura.." He said quietly, staring at his feet.

"So.." Riker said breaking the awkwardness, "Mycenna made you sick."

"Way to get to the point.." Ryland muttered.

"What!?" I asked shocked.

"Mycenna did everything!" He said again but louder.

"Yes Riker, I know. I mean how? When? Why? What?"

I was confused. How did Mycenna do this?

I knew she was bad news but to do this? Wow she's evil.

The Lynches spent the next 40 minutes explaining everything including Ross's son.

I can't believe he has a son...

This is so much information to take in; i would rub my forehead but I can't.

"Wait.. So you're sure Mycenna has a cure?" I asked for the 5th time.

If Mycenna had a cure, I needed to be sure.

"Yes." Ross said staring at me intensely.

He's been doing that the whole time everyone was explaining and it's starting to creep me out.

"Okay.." I muttered looking away.

"Don't worry Laura," Rocky smiled cheekily, "Well get it for ya- ain't that right Ratliff."

I noticed he took the chance to slap Ratliff's arm once more, oh boy.

"Yeah Rocky-" Rat smiled forcefully, gritting his teeth, "Well GET that cure for yea-" he slapped Rocky back.

"BOYS!" Mark yelled again with a glare, "Sorry bout that Laura.."

I nodded my head silently laughing, I wish I was better.

Watching the family together, and the two boys fight made me realize just how much I miss being included in the family.

Mycenna's gonna get it.

If I die- she's going down with me.


Thanks for reading :)
Hope u liked it.
I think this chaps okay.. It was like a last minute thing.

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