Forgetting the parents

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Ross's pov:

I haven't seen Laura in 3 days since I agreed to do what Mycenna wanted.

Did I make the right choice?

Ugh I don't know! I've spent hours just sitting on my bed thinking before, until my mom had to walk in and force me to sleep.

Yeah that's right, force me. She literally had to force, me to sleep.

I'm glad I haven't seen her yet though. That means I didn't have to be mean just yet.


Laura's pov:

So... I'm still stuck in this stupid hospital, in the same stupid room, and the same stupid bed!

Good thing is, Ross hasn't visited in 3 days.

On a normal day I would have been sad but now.. i don't know.. Recently i've been kind of hurt he chose Mycenna over me.. I mean, I actually thought he would pick me.

Stupid right? Yeah, I know. Never making that mistake again.

What were you thinking Laura ?!?

Whatever, i'm sort of mad & hurt at the same time... So i'm avoiding contact with him at all times.

Bad.. Good.. Any advice?

Oh wow, and now i'm talking to myself. You've officially lost it Laura.


Ross pov:

"ROSS!!" Mom yelled from downstairs.

I ruffled my hair and sighed before yelling back, "YESSS!!?"

"ARE YOU GONNA' EAT LUNCH WITH US??!!" She yelled louder than before.

I chuckled at her childish behaviour. My mom like's turning things into a game so right now, she was trying to yell louder than me.


I checked myself in my mirror before heading down.

What? A guy's gotta look good at all time's right.

"So where's Laura?" She asked once I joined my family at the table.

"What?" I asked

"I said, where is Laura?" She said more carefully.

"Hey, come to think of it.. I haven't seen her in a while..." Dad cut in. He rubbed his chin and that's when we knew we forgot something.

"Last thing I remember is filling out the release papers at the hospital when she fainted.."

"OHHHH MY GOSH!" Rydel squealed dramatically, "HOW DID WE FORGET!?"

We mentally face palmed as mom and dad gave us the "what have you done?" Glare, every parent has perfected over the years.

"So uh.." I said nervously, "We love you?"

"Spill it Ross." Mom glared.

"Okay, Okay." I gave in. Wow, i'm such a mommies boy, "After you guys signed her release papers and left, a nurse went into her room and told her she had a major infection growing inside her that could lead to her possible death so she's been staying at the hospital ever since. She never left, i guess we just forgot to tell you."

The room was silent as I watched my parents process everything.

"Oh my GOODNESS! WE ARE SUCH BAD SUPERVISOR'S MARK!" I jumped a bit confused on whether mom was yelling at herself or dad.


I chuckled. Mom looked so embarrassed and dad just looked so clueless as ever.

"Well, now that we got that cleared up... Who's ready for dessert!?" Rocky smiled rubbing his hands together.

I gave him a look saying 'what the heck!?' And Rydel punched him on the arm. Riker looked like he was ready to explode from keeping in his laughter, Ratliff tried hiding from Rydel cuz' he too, raised his hand for dessert, and Ryland.. Well he was filming our crazy family.

"Wait..." Mom said slowly. I really hate it when she does that. You never know what's coming afterwards.

"Did anyone think to call Laura's parents?"

"Uh oh.." Riker said in a 'Not again' tone.

"Yeah... I have a feeling this'll be Laura's only summer here." I mumbled slouching further into my seat.

Sorry for the long update wait, i'm still going through some major writers block so I AM SOO SORRY if you didn't like this chapter and it was weird or didn't make sense.. I tried making it so it made sense but you know, not everyone' perfect.

Hope you like it though- Vote, Comment, & Share my stories!! 😍😍😍

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