Dad's in charge

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Laura's pov:

"Yes!!" Rydel moaned jumping onto one of the 2 hotel beds in our room.

We finally arrived with 2 hours to spare.

"Dibs on the left bed!" Stormie squealed with excitement as she too flopped down on the other.

Rolling my eyes I chuckled, "Children. Well unlike you two, i'm gonna actually USE my 2 extra hours wisely."

"Party pooper-" Rydel pouted sitting up from the bed, "What are you planning on doing?"

A grin formed on my face as Stormie sat up; eager to hear my plan.

"Okay! I planned a really exciting 2 hours! So, Before we left I did some research and apparently there's some old legend in this town about an old dead man named Witherspoon who's been haunting the local museum. That's why no one goes there anymore and this is the last year it's open before they're tearing it down in a month."

Blinking her eyes a couple times Rydel stood up, and walked over to me, "So your plan is to visit a haunted museum before it closes."

Biting the inside of my cheek I scratched my forehead, "Huh. Guess that wasn't as interesting as I thought it was."


Ross's pov:

"DAD!" I yelled from the laundry room.

Mom left us a whole list of chores to do; don't ask me why, I don't even know why she would trust us to know what half this stuff is, like pfft what's a dish washer?

Dad ran in quickly looking like he had just ran a marathon.

"What happened to you?" I asked scrunching up my nose in disgust, "And what is that smell!?"

Lifting up his pits, dad chuckled, "Oh that... Yeah that's an hours worth of sweat from cleaning Rocky and Ratliff's room..."

Shaking my head I sighed, "I..I don't even want to know. Anyway! You do know mom left us like a whole list of chores to do right?"

Looking off to the side dad thought about it before nodding his head rapidly, "Yeah! I know. Why do you think I just wasted an hour of my life cleaning your brothers rooms?"

"Yeah okay.." I said taking out the list from my back pocket, "But did you read PAST the first chore?"

"noPe." He stated popping the "P", "I almost fainted just reading the first chore, 'Clean Rocky and Ratliff's room.'..."

Handing over the list, dad took it in his hands; his arms shaking as he read further down.

I watched as he lifted his head; facing me. His eyes opened wide on alert, his fingers were trembling, and it appeared his sweat had came back.

"Wow!" I exclaimed reaching for a nearby towel, "Calm down there Ariel."

I wiped the constant sweat flowing down his forehead, not daring to go any further, "Alright. We haven't even started cleaning and you already look like you've been at it for 7 hours."


Laura's pov:

"Wow came back so soon?" Delly asked, laying on the bed in our hotel room.

"Yeah," Stormie said walking in from the bathroom, "You've only been gone for 30 minutes."

Biting the inside of my cheek I plopped myself onto Rydel's bed, "I got there.. But then some security guard stopped me and said, 'No construction workers are allowed in yet.' Like what? Do I really look like a construction worker!?"

"Well did you tell them you were just trying to visit the exhibits?" Rydel asked an amused look in her eyes.

"I did!" I hissed a bit too loudly, "But all the security guard said was 'Ha! Impossible! No visitors ever come!'.."

Letting out a tiny laugh, Stormie walked over engulfing me in a giant hug, "Don't ever change Laura."


Ross's pov:

"Okay!" I sighed taking out the list of chores, "Number 2, clean the..oh no."

"What?" Riker asked nervously.

Dad and I recruited the other boys, and by recruited I mean forced.

Hey, mom gave all of us these chores! Plus this isn't just a two mans job, its like a 10!

"Basement.." Ryland chocked out looking over my shoulder as he squeezed his eyes tight.

Okay, we've had this cottage our whole entire lives and not once! Have we EVER cleaned it.

We haven't even dusted it before!

"Calliiifoorrrniiiaa!" Dad prayed staring towards the ceiling.

Mentally face-palming myself I groaned.

Wish us luck.

Thanks for reading.
Sorry i'm slow on updates.
I'm sorta sick right now.
Again, i love the comments, even tiny comments right by the lines so please continue commenting! And voting of course :) ily guys!

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