Truths and Secret Admirers'

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Thank you to all those who have stuck by me and commented/voted for all my new updates over the years.

You guys honestly rock!

#r5family I love you guys!

I wanna also thank @CourtneyHogan for personally sending me a message that made my day.

:) so thanks!
Ross's pov:

Why do I always mess up?

Why can't I mess up infront of people I don't care about?

Why is it always in front of Laura!?

Finding myself in the kitchen I plopped onto the island in the middle of the room and sighed.

"Hey, you okay?" Riker asked walking in.

It's funny how whenever I need good advice Riker walks in and when I need okay advice- Rat walks in.

I wonder if they have a schedule I don't know about...

"Hey." I replied not bothering to look his way.

I could practically feel his gaze burning into my skin as he searched for some kind of loop hole to approach me.

"So.." He said awkwardly, grabbing an apple from the counter, "How's life?"

Rolling my eyes, I couldn't help but chuckle, "That is like the most awkward thing you could ever say to me."

"Why?" He questioned, pouting like a 6 year old.

It's weird, this family.

Sometimes the roles are switched around so the youngest is most mature and the oldest is the least.

It's okay though, I like weird.

"Because," I started, turning towards him, my lips pressed into a thin line suppressing my smile, "We live together. You should know!"

Rolling his eyes he walked over to me, "What's really bothering you Ross?"

Damn it' he got me.

I wanted to turn away and lie, but I knew I couldn't.

Not with Riker.

Besides, he caught me. If I lie now it'll just make things more obvious.

"I tried fixing things with Laura today.." I said quietly, playing with my fingers.

"That's great!" He yelled, a grin forming on his face.

"Yeah.." I scoffed, "Except I think I made things worse.."

"Oh." He said, his smile faltering, "What happened?"

Ruffling up my hair, I hopped off the Island and sighed, "Long story short, she spilled her background and all I said was oh."

Riker blinked a couple times, a blank expression on his face before speaking, "Dude you totally asked for that one."

Letting out a loud groan, I found myself facing him, a hand rubbing the back of my neck, "Yeah.. I know. I just, I didn't know what to say!! When I heard she got bullied my mind just went blank. And I know, I used to like, make fun of her and stuff but I guess since were friends now I just got over-protected and I couldn't think of the right words to say so I said oh."

My brother didn't say anything so I decided to continue.

"And when she got that secret admirer thing! Omg I hated that! A part of me felt broken, like.. lost. I guess I just don't want to share her. I think of her as my best friend now and you know how I get about sharing my friends.."

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