Date night!

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Ross pov:
6 O' clock comes slower than I hope. I double check my phone at least 40 times in the last 30 minutes to make sure the clocks are working properly.
What if all clocks in the cottage suddenly stop working and I have no way of telling when 6 is? Or worse. What if all phones die so I'm truly dead??
What if the clocks work but they're giving me the wrong time? Than Laura will get mad at me for being late and she'll hate me and I'll have to be single forever with 50 cats leaving kitty litter everywhere....
Oh gawd.
I toss and turn in bed. The mattress feels lumpy under me and the blanket feels like an extremely warm snake trying to suffocate me.
What is this? The modern version of Princess and the pea?
One at a time I open my closed eyelids and look around the room. It was just a deep subconscious thought... Nothing more.
I reach under my pillow for my phone and press the home button for the time.

3:04 am. Dang. I've got a long way till' 6:00 pm.

I tilt my head forwards a bit, craning to see my toes and then let my head fall back down against the pillow.
The room is pitch black.
The only light comes from outside the window, allowing the moons rays to penetrate through.
I lay on my back and listen to the silence of the night. I remember the time I was grounded and smile when I remember what relaxing actually feels like.
I can hear the clock tick' bringing me back to reality and tomorrow's hopeful events.
4:16 am.
I'm lonely. I need to speak with someone. But everyone's asleep. What do I do?
I could wake them up... But then they'd get mad. Maybe just Rocky? What's the worst that can happen if he gets mad? Throw a pillow at me... yell annoyingly... Threaten to call the cops... Get me grounded. Again... On second thought, maybe not Rocky.
Rydel? No!! Definitely not! She's the last person I'd ever dare wake up randomly. Riker? Nah... He's got that whole entering the room thing and he'll just be annoying. Ryland? Nope. He gets pissed easily. Damn that boy... He's got a temper. Mom? Dad? No... They sleep talk in the mornings; it's creepy. Ratliff! Nope. He's a heavy sleeper. Laura? But she might get mad and cancel our date.
Ross? Oh wait; that's me.
Wait! Hm.... Actually....
"Hi. I'm Ross." I say in a whisper. I take note that Laura is above so I make sure to speak really quietly.
"Hello." I whisper back In a somewhat of a deeper tone. Huh. Talking to myself could be a new hobbie. I'm pretty good at it.
"So how's life?" I whisper again. This time playing with my fingertips.
"Can I tell you something really private that you can't share with anyone...?" I bring my hands up and fold my fingers straightly into a "c" like position and begin to move both hands as if talking to one another.
"I don't know man- I'm not good with secrets..."
"Course you are!" I whisper back a bit too excitedly. Wait what am I doing? Pfft. I'm the same person; I can make myself do whatever!
5:36 am.
Laura's so cute when she's sleeping. Why can't my siblings look like she does?
Rocky is so retarded looking when he's sleeping? Rydel always looks like a zombie who's died and came back to life about 30 times. Ryland isn't actually that bad on second thought. Riker likes to wear a night cap that's made entirely out of ties given to him by grandma so I can't exactly see how he is.. Ratliff? He wears a onesie to bed. The kind with a hood which he so conveniently always has on... I tried pulling it off once. Man it was like he permanently glued it to his scalp! Mom and Dad... Well they're always too close to see what they look like in their sleep. Plus I wake up later than them so by the time I'm conscious, they're already dressed and ready to go.
This is what it comes too when I can't sleep. I try closing my eyes and heading back to sleep but nothing happens. I end up staring at my closed eyelids. There isn't a difference. It's dark under my eyelids and it's dark outside my eyelids. I'm so bored!
I get up out of bed and sit at the edge. I find myself staring at the darkness concealing the floor. If the lights were on; i'de be seen staring blankly between my feet.
Maybe I need a change of scenery. That might get me to sleep.
I eagerly stand up eager to try anything that'll set me to sleep mode.
The family room seems like a good place to try until I remember the bad couch. I can always sleep on a different couch but just having the bad couch in the same room, freaks me out.
Maybe I can sneak into Rocky and Ratliff's room! Actually never mind. Those two are unpredictable. Sometimes, Rocky likes to sleepwalk onto Ratliff's bed; don't ask me how I know that. And sometimes Ratliff likes to sleepwalk onto Rocky's bed. Either way; sometime during the middle of the night, one of them ends up on the others' bed. It's like they plan it or something cuz' they never just switch beds. It's always one bed ends up empty and the other has an extra person. If I make the mistake of sleeping next to Ratliff, I could be smushed into a Roatliff sandwich with a side of Stupid and Stupid next to me.

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