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Laura pov:

I push past all the unfamiliar faces rushing by me trying to get to places. I have never realised how many people are actually in a mall before, and now that I have; I wish I was the only one.

"Ross..." I frown with a crease of my brows. I grab a hold of the shoulder belonging to a blonde about Ross' age, 3 steps ahead of me. With a quick twist of my wrist I turn him around. It's not him. "Sorry.." I apologise before quickly moving on to the next guy.

I've done this for about 30 minutes now to know people don't like it when you grab them and it makes it worse when you stay to listen to their shouts about disrespecting them.

After a few more grabs and ... scowls as result - I stop.

Unfamiliar faces turn to blobs as people push by each other quickly like tiny ants trying to survive. Who'm I kidding. There's no way I'll find Ross.

I turn around apologising to shoppers when I bump into them and head in the opposite direction for the food court.

If I can't find Ross, doesn't mean I have to be hungry right?


"4 cheeseburgers, 2 large fries, a large strawberry shake, 5 chicken wraps, 2 quarterpounders, as many nuggets as you can give me, a large salad, you know what I also want a toy, and a... Large mcflurry please."

The man behind the McDonald's counter eyes me with a scowl.

"What?" I say with a bit more sass then intended before reaching into my purse for my wallet. "Oh shit." I mumble feeling around. "Oh shit."

"Ma'am that'll be $60.83 please. Will you be paying with cash or credit?"

"Oh shit..." I squeeze my eyes shut in hope that when they open; this'll all be a dream.

It's one thing to order and not bring a wallet but it's another to order A LOT and not bring a wallet!!

This is bad... I didn't bring my wallet. I came here with Ross! He told me he'll pay so I didn't bring money!

"Ma'am." He repeats tapping at the register impatiently. There's a long line behind me but all I can think about is how hungry I am. I need this food what am I gonna do?

"Ma'am!" He repeats this time with a scowl on his face. "I'm going to need you to pay right now." The tiny bushy mustache on his face distracts me as I watch it move accordingly to his words. I've always wonder what it would be like to kiss someone with a mustache. Wouldn't it feel weird?

"I'm.. I'm sorry.." I stutter placing my purse on the counter. "I seem to have lost my wallet and-" 

"Then get out of the line!" Someone yells from behind me.

"HEY YOU GET OUT OF THE LINE!" I scowl turning around. Thousands of angry faces glare at me from their spots in line. I haven't even taken that long.. Geez people.

"Ma'am is there someone you can call...?" He says once I turn back around.

"" I think about calling Ross, but my phone died a while back and I don't have his number memorised.

"Well I'm sorry to have to say this but you're going to have to step out of line."

"Wha- no! I waited for 40 minutes to get this meal you're NOT taking this away from me! I-" I lean towards him, struggling to get over the register, in hopes of hoisting myself up and giving the tiny moustached man a piece of my mind. I could take him. He didn't look much taller than me. Maybe shorter without his spiky hair.

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