Ice cream and Pranks

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Laura pov:

We got to the ice cream parlor but we were all still bickering about who would pay for my icecream.

Rydel: Wait, we forgot about Ross, mom, and dad !!

Riker: Mom and dad went out earlier, and Ross is on a tude ... as usual (He mutterd the last part quietly) he wouldnt' have wanted to come anyway. It would have just been trouble.

I looked down knowing i would have caused the trouble. Ross wouldn't have wanted to come cuz' I would be here. Ugh I hate him so much but I feel bad for ruining everyones summer...

Ratliff: I'm paying for everyones except for Rikers ~

Laura: You know I never understood why adults always bickered about who would pay the bill when they went out and stuff... yeah, still dont.

Riker: How about I pay for Lauras and Ratliff pays for everyone else.

We all finally agreed on it with me still on edge.

We laughed, and talked eating our icecream when Rocky decided to go home

Rocky: Can we leave now. I have this new game I wanna show Rat~"

Rydel: Stop taking my boyfriend away from me ~ (she teased as everyone laughed)

I just stood there shocked

Laura: You two are dating ??

Ratliff: You didn't know that ??

Laura: Never came up...

Rydel: well we are (she said walking over and kissing him on the lips)

Riker: Ohhhkay, no pda... (he said breaking them up)

He earned glares from the two as everyone else just laughed

Riker just looked at us innocently

Riker: What ? Shes my little sister~


When we got home we all walked up to the door laughing and screaming until I stopped when I saw Ross sitting on the bench they have on there front porch.

everyone noticed and so they stopped aswell once they saw ross

Rocky: What are you doing sitting ther like a creep

Ross: I felt bad about snapping at laura so i wanted to apologize.

I eyes him suspiciously,

Laura: im listening

I felt Riker grip my arm tightely

I turned giving him a ressuring look

Ross: im sorry about the way i treated you. if my parents had to leave me during the summer and your parents are the only ones kind enough to take me in but your mean to me ide be upset. so im sorry for being rude to you.

he seamed serious so i decided to forgive him

Laura: I forgive you.

He smiled, turned me around and walked me towards the front door.

Ross: Lets go in laura~

I giggled and turned the door knob when riker yelled


Too late. I already opened the door, buckets of goo, mud, garbage, expired drinks and food, anything discusting you could find in a house, and outside of it, fell all over me.

I stood there shocked as it all fell over me. Just as i thought it was over liquidy expired cheese dripped all over me.

Ross: KIDDING !!! I'm not sorry about the way I treated you. You're a nerd and an ugly dork, you deserve it !! If anyone should be apologizing, it's you ! SUCKKA !!!

and he ran off into the house laughing his head off carefully not wanting to get hit by the lets call it "Waste".

Laura: ROSSSSSSS !!!!!!! (I screamed)

Thats it. If Ross wants to play that way, it's on !!!





Thank you

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