The flashbacks

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Ross's pov:

Mom and dad visited the hospital the day after they realized they totally forgot about Laura.

They bought about 2 months worth of gogurt for her so it was all cool. She apparently agreed to not tell her parents, rydel told me that, i don't know, i wasn't their.

I still haven't talked or seen her and it's been a week so far... I can't keep this up for long. She will get out of the hospital eventually and I'll have to be mean..

I want to tell you everything is okay and the "old" Ross is back.. But I can't.

I can't because the truth is.. I'm not. I'm not okay, I am far from okay.

Not seeing Laura is driving me crazy! I need to visit her! I need to know that she's okay! But if I do that.. I'll be forced to be rude and that's even worse than not talking to her. I'll have to look at the hurt in her eyes...

I haven't gotten any sleep these past few days.

Maybe It's just because I miss Laura a lot.. I don't know. I keep having the same stupid dream!! It just keeps repeating, over, and over again, like it's on some kinda loop.

Mycenna would walk towards me, i'd take a step back, then BOOM! I'd be awake, sweating in bed at 4 am.

I laid down on my bed after waking up from yet another dream just thinking about life.

How did I meet Mycenna?

When will she stop this?

How am I going to make this up to Laura?

All these questions scared me. The more I thought, the more I realized exactly how deep of a mess I had gotten myself into.

I can't exactly remember how I even met Mycenna... Why can't I remember anything??

I started freaking out, throwing things against the wall, breaking glass,knocking things over, I was a mess.

"ROSS!" Rydel yelled pushing open my closed door harshly

"Uh..." I said holding my lamp. I looked around my room realizing what I was doing.

"Do you not realize it is 4 am !? Am as in MORNING!" She tried to yell in a hushed tone.

"Right.." Was all I could say as I put the lamp back on my bedside table.

"Go to sleep and I will deal with you tomorrow!" She growled and walked out.
I did as she told and went to sleep. More like tried, I had the same dream.. With a twist.


"Omg! I am so sorry, let me pick those up for you-" a girl that looked like Mycenna said quickly picking up the clothes Rydel had asked me to get for her off the ground. She had knocked them out of my hands.

"Oh that's okay! I-it's fine, really." I said quickly.

Our hands touched and she quickly pulled hers away.

She didn't blush like I thought most girls would have.

"I'm Mycenna" she said standing up and stuck out her hand for me to shake.

End of dream
I pulled away from the dream wide eyed.

Checking the time I realized I only slept for 40 minutes. This was gonna be a long night...

Atleast now I sort of remember how I met Mycenna.. It doesn't change the fact that she's still a psychotic bitch..

I closed my eyes once again letting another dream engulf me. I needed to know more.


"Mycenna!" I said shocked, "w..what are you doing here? How did you even find out where I lived...?"

"The phone book, duh!" She said walking past me into my house.

She plopped down on the couch in the family room like she's been to the place a million times

"So what are you doing here?" I asked walking towards her a bit creeped out

She patted the spot next to her on the couch motioning for me to sit.

I don't know why but I sat down. She scootched closer to me and the next thing i knew her lips were on mine..

End of dream
This time I literally shot straight out of bed, landing on the floor even.

"Oww..." I groaned rubbing my head, "I'can't believe she kissed me and I don't even remember any of that.. Hell I can't believe i can't remember how we met at all!"

"All I remember is the night we went to that dinner proposal thing on Rydel's anniversary..." I said now talking to myself

I sighed not bothering to get up off the ground and looked up towards Laura's empty bunk.

It's time's like these I wish she was back here.. She would have noticed I couldn't sleep and cuddled with me.. Than i would have fell asleep for sure...

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