Chapter 1

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The boy was walking through the corridor spinning a stick in his hand when suddenly his eyes turned grey and the tattoo on his hand started glowing

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The boy was walking through the corridor spinning a stick in his hand when suddenly his eyes turned grey and the tattoo on his hand started glowing. He knew that he was on the right track so he quickly turned around and ran out of the house. On reaching the garden he shouted. "NOW GUYS!"

The three men standing there nodded their heads and got to work. They stood at the ends of the huge triangle they had formed around the house and banged a big stick on the ground holding it in place while chanting some spell.

"Come out! You can't hide any longer." the black haired boy shouted while looking towards the door. As if waiting for a signal something came out and the temperature around them dropped suddenly. The thing looked like a man but it was not one. With black smoke around, it was something only the boy could see.

"Let's finish this quick. Ok! I don't want to spend my entire night with an evil spirit." the boy told himself and charged towards the spirit standing infront of him. He took out his whip and curled it around the spirit's neck stabbing it right on the heart with the stick in his hand.

The spirit started dissipating in the air and turned to nothing in just a few seconds. The boy was surprised. The spirit did not fight back. He stood there dumbfounded. After sometime he felt a tap on his shoulder "Jungkook what are you thinking?" he turned around to find his elder brother Namjoon looking at him with concern.

"Hyung the spirit did not fight back." he said in a daze. "So what? It has happened a few times before too." Namjoon asked. Jungkook sighed and said "I know but it's just strange when they don't fight back. Since, they are evil they should atleast retaliate once." he said and Namjoon patted his shoulder smiling. "It's good that they don't kook. You can prevent yourself from getting hurt." Jungkook smiled at that and nodded. They then walked towards their car where two men were already waiting for them. "Good work today Hobi and Yoongi hyung." Jungkook said fist bumping the two.

"Let's go back now. I'm tired and I want to sleep." Yoongi said yawning. The other three just scoffed and got into the car. Then they drove off to their home without any delay.

"Mom! Dad! We are back." Jungkook shouted on reaching his home. Hearing this a middle aged couple came out into the living room with huge smiles on their faces. "How was your day today son? " his mom asked. "It was good. The spirit didn't fight back so it was easy to unbound it." he said sitting on the couch. "You can tell Mr. Han that there are no evil spirits in his house now." Hearing this his dad quickly went into his room to make the call while his mother went into the kitchen to make her beloved sons something to eat.

"You came early today." Jungkook heard his brother in law Jin's voice who was coming down the stairs. He nodded his head not willing to explain the situation again. "So, how was the Eret today?" Jin asked curiously. "It was better than the others hyung. The grip was good and it felt powerful. You did a very good job designing it this time." Jungkook praised him. Jin smiled at that and ruffed his hair before walking towards his husband and greeting him.

Soon Mrs. Jeon called them all to eat and they made themselves comfortable at the dining table. "Dad?" Jungkook began suddenly catching everyone's attention. "Did you ever encounter spirits that never fight back?"

"Yes! I have encountered such spirits many times. But you don't have to worry about it Kook sometimes they can just give up without a fight. After all they were also humans once." his dad said and Jungkook nodded his head understanding what he meant.

They all had their meal and then went to their own rooms to get some rest before starting a new day. Jungkook went to his room too and sat on the window sill. He just looked outside. A spirit not fighting back was something that had always bothered him. He knew that there was something that they all were unaware of. Something that was yet to be discovered. He mentally decided to go deeper into this mystery one day. Thinking about this he did not even realize when his exhaustion got to him and he went into the land of dreams.

The morning rays woke the ravenette up from his not so peaceful sleep. He got up and stretched himself before going downstairs. On reaching the kitchen he saw his mother sitting on the dining table counting some flyers.

"What is all this mom?" Jungkook asked getting surprised. He knew that his mother always had crazy ideas which never did him any good. "Oh kook! I've decided to put up a few rooms for renting. Our house is quite big and the ghost busting business is not always in work so we need some alternatives. " she said with excitement.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile looking at her. He loved her a lot and could do anything for her happiness. "Ok! Do whatever you want mom." he said and picked up a flyer to take a look at it. He never would have thought that this piece of paper was going to change his life forever.

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