Chapter 34

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Nine days later

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Nine days later

Jaehwan and Jiha were in the kitchen when the doorbell rang. The lady quickly went towards the door to open it. It was not a surprise to them when they saw some men dressed in black standing there. "You've come again." Jiha said with an annoyed expression.

The leader of the team smirked and said "This time we've come to take our Master's slave. His days of freedom are over." Hearing this Jiha scoffed "Do you really think that we'll let you take him?"

"We don't need your permission old lady." saying this those goons pushed their way in and started searching for Taehyung in every room. Suddenly in the middle of this they heard the engine of the car outside the house. "Sh*t. They're running away." the leader said and ran outside. He saw two cars leaving in two opposite directions.

"COME OUTSIDE YOU FOOLS. THEY ARE RUNNING AWAY." he shouted at his team. All of them ran outside and then quickly divided themselves into two groups. One group went after the van that had gone towards the forest while the other went after the car that had gone towards the highway.

Once the men had left Jiha and Jaehwan smiled and gave each other a high five. "Plan successful." Jaehwan sing songed. Then they quickly called Yoongi. "Are they after you?"

"Yes uncle. Me and Jimin will go towards the highway and then take a road to some busy city. We'll hide there for a day. They wouldn't find us." Yoongi said from the other side. "OK then take care. I'm going to hang up now." Jaehwan said and then hung up.

Next he called Namjoon. "Dad don't worry. Me and Hoseok are on our way towards the mountains. Even if they catch up-to us we'll just hide somewhere in the forest till then. We'll come back in the evening. Now don't call me. I'm driving." Namjoon said and hung up before his father could say anything. The old man just shrugged well aware of the fact that his son was someone who diligently followed rules.

Once they had made sure that the others were doing good both of them went to the backside of their garden. They looked around to see if someone was around or not and once the coast was clear Jaehwan opened a hidden door in the floor which was covered with grass like the rest of the garden. The couple slowly went into the underground basement and smiled when they saw three people there.

"Mom! Dad! Are they gone?" Jungkook asked walking towards them. They nodded and the three sighed in relief. "The plan worked. They followed the others. Now we just need to wait for this day to end and then we'll have enough time to think about something to destroy that Choi." Jeahwan said. "Jin have you made the Erets?" he asked. The said boy nodded his head showing him the enchanted sticks.

"So now we'll go back to the house while you stay here for today Tae. It'll be the safest option for now. It's five right now so we have to wait just a few more hours for this day to end. Even if they come back we'll handle them so you stay here. Hmm." Jungkook said while gently caressing the boy's hair. Taehyung smiled and nodded and soon all of them were out of the basement. They closed the door properly and then went inside the house. After about two hours they heard the doorbell.

Jungkook went and opened the door. "We came back walking." Hoseok said panting and entered the room followed by an equally tired Namjoon. "What happened there?" Jungkook asked impatiently. Namjoon gestured him to wait and then asked for some water. Once both of them were not panting anymore he said. "We threw some nails on the road and their car got punctured. After that we drove for some more minutes and then abandoned our car in the forest. We took the shortcut to come back home. They must be still looking for you and Taehyung in there."

"It's good that I know the forest in and out otherwise we couldn't have done that." Hoseok said tugging at his collar and smiling proudly. The others nodded while Jungkook playfully patted his back.

Everything was going according to their plan till now. They had decided to somehow waste the new moon night so that Choi couldn't perform the ritual for now. This would lend them enough time to skillfully make a plan to defeat the old man. For now their only motive was to keep Taehyung away from that man. They didn't want to risk anything.

One more hour passed with them being a bundle of nerves. The clock seemed to be moving slowly today. Even though they were trying to act normal none of them were at ease. Soon as if to confirm their fear the front door was banged open startling everyone. Footsteps were heard and then a voice......

"So! Where is my slave?"

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