Chapter 29

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Jungkook groaned when he tried to open his eyes

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Jungkook groaned when he tried to open his eyes. The bright lights were blinding him and he felt sore. Then suddenly yesterday's events came back to his mind like a flash and he got up shouting "Taehyung."

"Everything is fine kook. He is alright. You don't have to worry." he heard the soothing voice of his mother who was trying to make him sit back comfortably. "H... He is f... fine. Right?" he said stuttering. Jiha nodded looking at him and then took him in a warm hug.

"We were so scared. You shouldn't have gone alone kook." Jiha said crying. After a while of soothing herself by holding her son in her arms safe and sound she pulled away. It was then that Jungkook noticed his hyungs in the room looking at him with concern.

"What happened exactly?" he asked. Namjoon shook his head before speaking as if trying to shake away that memory. "You were bleeding. But luckily the wound is not deep. You fainted because of exhaustion and stress." he informed.

"Hyung I was attacked yesterday. Somebody tried to kill me. That man he is trying to clear his way." Jungkook said. "We already guessed that you were attacked. And also kook what if Taehyung was attacked by that man too. No spirit is powerful enough to have such effects on anyone. Even for possessing someone it requires them to be with that person for a month at least. Only something very powerful can do such things. What do you think?" Yoongi said voicing the thoughts he had been having for the past few days.

Jungkook nodded at the possibility of everything the other said being correct. He was not sure what was happening anymore. He didn't even know who his enemy was while someone was now trying to kill him and Taehyung.

"Hyung" he said looking at Namjoon "Please find the owner of the car in two days. We have to be quick now. That man has crossed his limits and my last straws of patience have been broken. I'll make him regret coming after me and my family. Heck. I'll make him regret being born." Jungkook said gritting his teeth.

He was not going to take it slow anymore. That man didn't deserve to be alive and he was going to destroy him. He was definitely going to make that devil pay.

Jungkook was now sitting beside Taehyung gently stroking the latter's bread cheeks with his hands

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Jungkook was now sitting beside Taehyung gently stroking the latter's bread cheeks with his hands. "Tae Dad is coming today. You'll be completely fine now. Just wait a little more. Hmm." he said smiling softly. Seeing Taehyung lying on the bed being so quiet was breaking his heart. But he had to be strong. He had decided to cuddle the life out of Taehyung once the latter wakes up.

After some time the sound of a car was heard bringing Jungkook back from his thoughts. He quickly got up and ran downstairs. Soon his father came in with a very old man behind him. Everyone bowed greeting the shaman. The old man smiled and said "You kids have grown so much. I'm so happy to meet you after so long."

Jungkook smiled at that. "You don't have any idea how grateful I am to you for coming here so quickly." he said looking at the old man. "You don't have to be thankful. You all are like my children and I will always try my very best to help you." Jungkook bowed again hearing him, thankful for his words and gesture.

"Now take me to that kid." the shaman said and they quickly led him to Jungkook's room. The shaman went towards Taehyung and kept his hand on the boy's head. He closed his eyes and after some time turned back to the others. "His soul has been trapped in a headspace. Some very powerful entity has done this to him. His soul is perishing inside. If he doesn't come out of it then he'll die in a few days."

Jungkook could feel his heart tearing apart. He didn't want to lose the person he loved more than himself. No! He couldn't. "What can we do to make him come out of it?" he asked trying to sound strong. The shaman smiled. "Don't be scared child. You are the medicine he needs right now. You'll talk to him and bring him out."

"But h... how?" Jungkook asked too stunned by the man's words. The shamam took out a pendent from the pouch he had been carrying. He gently hooked it around Taehyung's neck and gestured Jungkook to come closer. "Sit down and hold the pendent with one of your hands while with the other hold his hand." he instructed. Jungkook did what he was told. The entire family was standing there praying for a miracle to happen.

The shaman kept his hands on both the boys' foreheads. "Now close your eyes Jungkook and try to focus on Taehyung. You can do it. You can bring him out." Jungkook nodded and did as he was told. He focussed his attention to Taehyung. With no other thoughts in his mind he opened his eyes and then......


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