Chapter 22

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Both the boys were now walking through the eerie factory

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Both the boys were now walking through the eerie factory. There was not even a single person there. It was so silent that they could hear their own heart beats. We just had a romantic moment and now we are here in this scary place looking for a spirit. Wow! What a life you have Kim Taehyung. The boy thought to himself as he followed Jungkook through the corridors.

He was walking looking around when he suddenly bumped into Jungkook's hard back. "Why di..." but before he could say more Jungkook cut him off.

"Shhh!" he said turning his head around and looking at Taehyung. The latter nodded his head understanding what the other meant. Jungkook instinctively held Taehyung's hand tightly making the other blush hard. They walked ahead and stood right infront of a door when Jungkook's eye colour changed and his tattoo started glowing. "There are spirits inside. Ten I think." Jungkook informed. "What should we do? " Taehyung said bouncing up and down a little. "Let's call the team first. Then we will go forward with the rest of the plan. Ok!" the ravenette said and with this both the boys came out of the factory and went towards their car.

Meanwhile elsewhere

"Sir both of them are in the factory right now. Our men saw them going there." secretary Jo informed his boss who was looking at him expectantly. "But Sir why are you sacrifising the spirits? We can think about something else as well."

"Jo you'll always be a little dense. Won't you? Sacrifising spirits is important to trap those two boys otherwise it'll be difficult to catch them. As it is once I have that boy in my grasp I wouldn't need the spirits anyway." Mr. Choi said smirking. "Tell them that no one should come out of the factory alive except for that boy. NO ONE."

"So you mean to say that there are ways to trap people's spirits after they die

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"So you mean to say that there are ways to trap people's spirits after they die." Taehyung asked surprised. Jungkook nodded "Yes! I read it in a book. There are some dark spells that can bind the spirits to you and then if you feed on them you can become immortal. But to be immortal the person has to feed on a thousand spirits. Not just that but he can feed on them only on the new moon nights."

"So the devil man has just one day in the entire month to feed on spirits?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook nodded his head. Suddenly they heard the honking of the a car horn and turned around to see the others coming.

"Did you get everything hyung?" Jungkook asked as soon as he saw them coming out of the car. "Yes! Everything is ready. Just waiting for your instructions." Yoongi said. They then took out the supplies from the car and went towards the factory.

"How many spirits this time?" Jimin asked Taehyung. The two friends were walking at the end of the group. "Ten." "Thank god" Jimin said sighing in relief. Soon all of them reached the room where the spirits were. "Hyungs let's get ready." Jungkook said and opened the door.

The room was big and looked like a cafeteria. Maybe it was where the workers ate their food. Taehyung thought looking at the rusty tables around. Meanwhile Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon stood at three corners of the room to form the barrier.

Jungkook was looking at the spirits in the room. Each of them sat at the tables doing nothing. They did not even move when all of them entered the room. It doesn't feel right. He thought to himself.

"Now hyung." he said and the other three started chanting the spell. Jungkook went towards the spirits one by one and kept on unbounding them. None of them retaliated or attacked him. They did not even move from their places.

Taehyung and Jimin were just looking at the ravenette going about the room stabbing Erets in the air. "He looks like a psycho right now Tae." Jimin whispered in his friend's ears. "Chim stop it. Just look at how the Erets turn to nothing suddenly. There are spirits around and here you are making fun of Jungkook." Taehyung said glaring at the boy who looked at him smiling sheepishly. He acted as if he is zipping his mouth and turned to look at the ravenette.

By then Jungkook was done unbounding all the spirits. He sighed and gestured the others to stop. Taehyung quickly ran towards him and embraced him tightly. "Are you alright?" he asked. Jungkook smiled at that and wrapped his arms around the petite boy. "Yes. Absolutely fine." he said.

The others were looking at the two boys in awe when they suddenly heard the door opening. The sound brought the couple back from their world too. All of them turned around to see some men entering the room. There were about fifteen or them dressed in black. Everyone could tell that they were goons sent in by someone. And in this case the boys also knew who that someone was. One of the goons looked at the boys and smiled. He smirked and said....

"How about we send you with the spirits as well?"

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