Chapter 35

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Jungkook and the others didn't even realise when so many men entered their house and tied them up

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Jungkook and the others didn't even realise when so many men entered their house and tied them up. The only one free from any grasp was the ravenette who was busy glaring at the old man casually sitting on the couch. "He's not here. You'll not find him today Choi." he said looking right in the devil's eyes.

"Hmm. We'll see about that later. But for now I have some catching up to do." Sangwoo said smirking. "Tie them up with those chairs. Just leave this boy free." he said pointing at Jungkook "If you're smart then you won't act impulsively kid. Now you too sit on that chair next to your mother, that is if you want them safe and sound."

When everything was according to his liking he got up from the couch and stretched a little before going towards Jeahwan. He crouched down next to him and said "Long time no see Jeahwan." and then he put both his palms on his face moving them in an upward motion.

"Al... Al... Albus?" Jeahwan stuttered looking at the man infront of him. He was no longer the same old man. This man in front of them was someone else. With a huge scar starting from his left eye and going down to his chin he was someone who made their hearts drop in their stomach. His left eye had no pupil in it. It was white. Completely white. His other eye was red in colour. He looked exactly like a devil. No. He was a devil.

If Jungkook wasn't scared before then he surely was now. How can he change his appearance like that? This was the only question in his mind. He was so dumbfounded that he didn't even realise the fact that his father knew the man. He didn't understand a single thing happening at the moment.

"H.. How? I destroyed you. It's n....not po...possible. HOW?" he heard his father's voice which brought him out of his thoughts. Hearing the words Albus started laughing. Once we was done with his psychotic show he said "You thought that you had destroyed me Jeahwan. But I never died that day and you know who helped me to survive? Your father's soul. He died during our fight. I was the one who stabbed him. Remember? Fortunately before I could die I fed on his soul that hadn't left the area. It was so powerful that it helped to counter all your petty moves on me. I survived. I fed on so many souls and it took me ten years to become what I am today."

Saying this he looked at Jungkook who was staring at him in disbelief. "I developed a company and made so much money. But it is not enough. I need more. I need to rule over this world. I want to be a king. I even found a way for me to have unlimited powers and immortality but the Jeons had to ruin my plans again." he said gritting his teeth. "I arranged a fake daughter to have that boy near me but that plan got ruined. I tried so many times to have him but your son had to come in between every f*cking time Jeahwan. Even today you are standing between me and my goal. It's funny. Right?" he said and started laughing like a maniac.

Jungkook scoffed immediately catching the devil's attention "You'll never succeed in your evil plans. Taehyung has already gone away with his friend. You'll not find him atleast for today." Hearing this Albus said nothing and just smiled at the ravenette. He then clapped his hands and just seconds later some men entered the room dragging a beaten up Yoongi and a crying Jimin with them.

Seeing the condition of his hyung Jungkook couldn't hold himself back anymore. He stood up from his place and went towards the man giving him a hard punch across his face. Albus took some steps back due to the impact and looked at Jungkook with an expressionless face. "Didn't I tell you to not act impulsively kid." he said extending his hand forward and then closed his fist.

Even before Jungkook could understand what was happening a chair came towards him flying and knocked him right on his head. He fell down due to the impact groaning. He felt something trickle down his cheek and he knew that it was his blood. His family was shouting and crying but he was not in a position to react to it. "Tie him up." he heard the man say and seconds later he was tied to the same chair next to his mother. It took him some time to come back from that semi conscious state. Once the throbbing in his head reduced a little he turned to his family who were looking at him in concern. He gave them a small reassuring smile and then looked around and realised that all the people had gone while Albus was casually sitting on the couch staring at him.

"It took you fifteen minutes to gain back your consciousness. I'm impressed. Others would have been still lying on the ground but you are powerful. I like that." the man said smirking. "See I also sent my men away. Now this entire matter will be between us. What say?"

"Just shut up you f*cker." Jungkook said gritting his teeth. Albus laughed a little and then looked at Jungkook right in the eyes. "I called your lover and he answered. Then I told him everything that was happening in this house and everything that could possibly happen if he doesn't come here in an hour. But don't worry it's just been five minutes since I made that call so he still has plenty of time." saying this he sat back on the couch and winked at Jungkook.

"You f*cker untie me. Let's fight one on one. UNTIE ME." Jungkook shouted while trying to free himself from the ropes. Albus was just looking at him nonchalantly when he heard some footsteps. He looked up to see the petite boy entering the room with a look of terror on his face. Seeing him the man smirked and said.....

"Finally my sacrifice has arrived."

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