Chapter 23

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Jungkook looked at the fifteen men infront of them dressed in black

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Jungkook looked at the fifteen men infront of them dressed in black. He just rolled his eyes and said "I was in a very good mood today but you really had to spoil it with your ugly faces. Didn't you?"

"You have to pay for trespassing our Master's factory Jeon." one of the men said. Jungkook just smirked. "Let's see who pays then." he then looked at the others and said "Get ready guys. Let's show them that they chose the wrong people today." All the boys looked at him and nodded getting ready to beat the men infront of them.

The supposed leader gestured his men to attack the boys. Soon the room was filled with sounds of punches and kicks, chairs and sticks clanking together and people falling. Jungkook was busy punching the life out of the men while Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok were beating them with the sticks they had. "These sticks are really useful.Wow!" Hoseok said as he knocked out one of the men surrounding them.

Jimin and Taehyung on the other hand were standing on a table with stools in their hands. Their backs were pressed together and they were ready to swing their stools at anyone who dared to come close to them. Amidst this Jimin noticed something and laughed a little. "Tae we don't have to do anything. They are scared of these heavy metal stools. Just look at their faces when we swing them." Taehyung did what his friend told him and prevented himself from laughing by pursing his lips together on noticing how the men got scared so easily. I was scared for no reason. They are just big cowards. He thought and continued swinging the stool successfully hitting a few of them.

After a few minutes the six boys came out of the room leaving behind the beaten up men. "Well that was scary but fun." Yoongi said while they went towards their cars. Jungkook nodded and smiled at that. They sat in their cars and drove back quickly not in the mood to stay at that weird place for even a second more.

"WHAT? You were attacked today." Jaehwan said panicking. He quickly went towards Jungkook checking him up for any injuries. "Dad I'm completely fine. There's not even a scratch on my body." Jungkook said smiling.

"Still they are after you kook. You have to be careful. I bet they were sent by that man." Jiha said. Everyone nodded agreeing to her. They knew that the attack was meant to harm Jungkook. "Kook I think I should do all the work for now. We can't risk it." his father said. "No dad! I'm not letting you in any danger. You will not do anything and that's final." Jungkook said glaring at him. Jaehwan wanted to say more but looking at Jungkook he decided to keep shut.

"Look I know you all are worried but you have to trust me." Jungkook said sighing. He knew that his family was really worried for his safety but he couldn't let his father do something dangerous just because his life was at threat. He would prefer to lose his life than see his father getting hurt.

After this short discussion everyone returned back to their rooms since it was already late. Taehyung though was on the rooftop waiting for someone.

"Tae! I'm here." he heard a voice and turned around smiling. "Dad. Why did you want to meet here?" he asked curiously. Jaehwan took a deep breath at that and said "You know how stubborn Jungkook is. He wouldn't let me do a thing despite knowing that he is in danger but I'm his father and I can't help but be scared of the possibilities. Taehyung so I want you to promise me that you will protect him. Please I just beg of you to keep him safe."

Taehyung stared at the man standing infront of him. He loves Jungkook so much. He thought to himself. He couldn't help but smile at the relation the father son duo had. Both were ready to do anything just to keep the other safe and sound. "I promise. I'll do everything to keep him safe." he said earning a smile from the old man.

Suddenly he was embraced in a warm hug. "You have to keep yourself safe too." he heard the man say. His eyes watered at the concern shown for him. "I will d... dad." he said  stuttering.

All this was new to him. Having a family and getting love. People showing concern for one another. Having big family meals and then watching movies together. It overwhelmed him. He never wanted to tell this go. All these people had become dear to him in such a short time and a certain ravenette topped the list. He was sure that everything would be fine now that he had people who loved and cared for him. He smiled in the warm embrace of his new father and thought.

Maybe this is what happiness feels like.

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