Chapter 32

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"Are you feeling alright?" Jungkook asked Taehyung who was holding onto him like his lifeline

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"Are you feeling alright?" Jungkook asked Taehyung who was holding onto him like his lifeline. The other nodded and buried his face deeper into Jungkook's chest. The ravenette smiled at the gesture and kissed Taehyung's head.

After some time he heard Taehyung's voice. "Ggukie?" "Hmm?" "Is it bad that I don't feel heartbroken anymore. Will I be a bad son for letting go of them so easily?" "No! They don't even deserve to be called your parents love. If it was easy for you to let them go then you were never attached to them. It was just a relation you had and wanted to protect. But they never made any efforts for the same so don't beat yourself for something they destroyed. " Jungkook said.

Taehyung nodded. "You know what Gguk. I already knew that they didn't love me. Everything they did was for their own interest. It's just that I wanted to have a family. I wanted my parents to love me. After some years of trying I gave up on my father but I still had some hope for my mother. Guess she too didn't want me." he said with a heavy voice. "I'm sad that they don't treat me like their son but I think my heart already knew that they never loved me. I can move on from them now thanks to this incident. I would not be a fool and be sad because something like this was bound to happen one day. I will be happy and not give them the priviledge of seeing me suffering. It's you all who gave me the strength I'm able to show today. Your parents, brothers, Jimin and especially you. I would have been wrecked if I didn't have all of you in my life."

Hearing this Jungkook teared up a little. He hugged Taehyung even tighter. "Tae! I promise to give you all of my love and I'm not saying this to make you feel better. It's something that I want to tell you every morning after waking up and every night before going to sleep. It's a promise I want to keep for a lifetime." Taehyung looked at Jungkook and smiled through his teary eyes. They looked at each other with nothing but love. Soon their lips met in a soft kiss full of promises. They pulled away smiling and cuddled without even realising when they drifted to the land of dreams in each other's safe arms.

This incident had given Taehyung the opportunity to move on from his painful memories and undeserving family. Sometimes the things that might appear the worst for us are the things that we actually need. They teach us to differentiate between good and bad. Help us to move on from the toxic people or situations in our life. All in all they give us the opportunity to evolve as a person for a better life and future.

The next morning

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The next morning

Taehyung came down to the kitchen his heart and mind surprisingly at peace. He felt as if a big boulder had been removed from his heart. Letting go of the useless rope of hope felt so right to him.

When he entered the kitchen he saw Jiha preparing breakfast. "Good morning mom." he greeted her. She smiled when she noticed him and quickly handed him a note she had prepared. He took it in his hand confused and looked at her with his puppy eyes. She gestured him to read and he did as told.

Dear Tae,

If those Kims or that Choi even thinks about coming anywhere near you then they'll see a different version me. My slipper would meet their faces while my broom their butts. They would not know what hit them so don't worry because you have us.

Your Mom.

Taehyung burst out laughing reading the note. He walked towards the lady and hugged her placing a kiss on her cheek. Jiha caressed his hair looking at him lovingly. Who would not want to have a child like him? I would kill to have him but I'm lucky to have got him. Jiha thought.

"It's time for breakfast." they suddenly heard Jungkook's voice and turned towards the door to see him standing there smiling like an idiot. "What's wrong with your face?" Jiha said looking at him and Taehyung burst out laughing at his funny expressions.

Jungkook smiled even more looking at Taehyung's beautiful boxy smile. He looked at him and thought. I hope you are always smiling like this love.

It was eight in the evening and the entire family was sitting in the living room bored out of their wits

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It was eight in the evening and the entire family was sitting in the living room bored out of their wits. Jaehwan had returned today in the afternoon and right now he like any other dad was watching the news.

"Dad! Just change the channel already. We are waiting for our movie time. Please." Namjoon said whining. "Just the next news and then I'll change the channel. Promise." Jaehwan said completely immersed in the T.V. screen. All the others sighed and reclined on the couch knowing that they would be waiting for another hour. The new news broadcast started catching everyone's attention.

Today for the first time we have amidst us Mr. Choi Sangwoo. He recently won the award for the most successful business tycoon of the year. Mr. Choi we welcome you among us. It's our privilege to have you answering our questions live today.

"The pleasure is all mine. All the respect and support you are giving me is like a blessing......."

Taehyung stood up abruptly catching everyone off-guard. Jungkook got worried when he realised that the boy was shaking a little. "Tae what's wrong? Do you feel any presense around?" he asked as he turned Taehyung towards him. Taehyung looked at Jungkook with fearful eyes and said...

"His voice. It's similar the de..... devil man."

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