Chapter 30

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When Jungkook opened his eyes he was in a dark place

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When Jungkook opened his eyes he was in a dark place. There was nothing around. He couldn't see a thing. Suddenly he heard the voice he had been dying to hear from behind him. "Jungkook"

He turned around and saw the love of his life. He was standing there with teary eyes and an expressionless face. Jungkook smiled at him and said "I'm here to take you back. Let's go." Hearing this Taehyung shook his head "I can't. I tried. Nothing worked." he said crying. "Just leave me Gguk. Nothing will work."

Hearing him Jungkook covered the distance between them and cupped Taehyung's face between his hands. "No Tae. We'll get out of here together.Hmm." he said trying to reassure the boy but it didn't work. Taehyung shook his head aggressively and said "Just leave me. Please. What if he comes back and traps you here too. No! I can't let that happen. Just go Gguk. I'm not worth risking your life."

Jungkook shook his head at that. "Who told you that? You are worth everything in this world Tae. You are the person I love. You complete me. I feel so loved when I'm with you. I will never ever leave you. I'll stay here with you if you can't come out but there's nothing we can't do together love. We can do it. You trust me. Right?"

Taehyung nodded his head. He held Jungkook's hand tightly afraid to be stuck in this darkness alone again. "Let's go." he heard Jungkook's voice and took a deep breath before closing his eyes.

Taehyung tried to open his eyes but the lights were too bright. "Don't stress yourself. Everything is fine. Take your time." he heard the gentle voice of the man he loved so much. A hand was caressing his hair giving him a feeling of safety. He could feel a tube around his nose and it was making him uncomfortable so he brought his hand towards his face to remove it but another hand prevented him from doing so. "Let it be Tae. The doctor is coming to check on you. He'll remove it. Just bear with it a little more." he heard Jungkook's voice again and nodded weekly.

He felt so tired that he couldn't even speak. But now that he knew that Jungkook was with him he was not scared anymore. He took a deep breath and then felt sleep overtaking his senses. He didn't fight it though, instead let it consume him and drifted into a peaceful sleep.

The next time Taehyung tried to open his eyes he felt better

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The next time Taehyung tried to open his eyes he felt better. He didn't feel too week anymore. He opened his eyes and turned his head to see a smiling Jungkook looking at him with his teary eyes. He returned the smile and soon was embraced in a tight hug. "I love you. I love you so much." Jungkook said giving Taehyung butterfly kisses all over his face. "I love you too." Taehyung said in a hoarse voice.

Jungkook pulled away and made him sit comfortably. He then made him drink some water and sat next to him stroking his cheeks lovingly. "I'm sorry for troubling you Gguk." Taehyung said. Jungkook shook his head at that. "No. You did nothing wrong. Instead you were the one who suffered Tae. Don't blame yourself for nothing."

Taehyung just kept looking at Jungkook so grateful to have him in his life. "Gguk. I was so scared. There was darkness all around and no one helped me. I.... I thought that I'll die there a...alone." Taehyung said stuttering. Jungkook took him in his arms again and kissed his head. "You're safe. No one will hurt you now."

"I know. I feel so protected in your arms." Taehyung said making Jungkook's heart beat faster. After a few minutes they pulled away. "Let's go downstairs. You must be hungry. Also everyone is dying to meet you." Jungkook said. Taehyung nodded and was about to get down from the bed but Jungkook scooped him up in his arms before he could do anything.

"Gguk. Put me down." Taehyung said fidgeting. "Nope. You have to rest. For your information you were in a coma for three days. You can't walk freely like that Mister." Jungkook said sassily earning a giggle from Taehyung.

They went downstairs and Jungkook made Taehyung comfortable on the couch putting lots of cushions behind his back and covering his legs with a blanket. Everyone was watching the two with a fond smile on their faces and when Jungkook was done they quickly rushed towards Taehyung. Each one took him in a warm hug telling him how much they had missed him.

Jimin was the last one to come to him. "Do you know how scared I was?" he shouted and threw himself on Taehyung. He cried for around ten minutes in his soulmate's arms finally relieving his stressed mind and heart.

"Where's dad?" Taehyung asked when Jimin pulled away. "He's gone to take the shaman back to his place." Jiha said. "The shaman?" Taehyung asked confused.

"Yes! The one who helped us Tae." Jimin informed. "Then why didn't you wake me up. I want to thank him." Taehyung said looking at the others. Jungkook went towards the couch and sat down next to him. "Don't worry. He doesn't stay anywhere for long. But when we're free from this mess I'll take you to his place. Ok." Taehyung smiled and nodded at that.

"Ok. Enough of all this now. Let's eat something. I'm starving." Yoongi said and everyone nodded happily. They talked and laughed the entire time happy to finally get Taehyung back with them.

That night the two lovers slept in each other's arms. A feeling of safety and comfort surrounding them. They were happy for now but what they didn't know was that.......
another storm was coming their way.

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