Chapter 11

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"Jungkook it's n

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"Jungkook it's n... not what you think." Jaehwan said stuttering. Jungkook looked at him with a stern expression and said "Dad I already heard everything. So, now please tell me what you're hiding." Jaehwan just looked at him speechless. He saw the determination in his son's eyes and he knew that Jungkook wouldn't back off from helping people.

The old man sighed and said "If I'm right this case is very similar to what I had worked on years ago. There was this shaman. A very powerful one at that. He had turned evil and had started a ritual to become immortal. He would kill people and then feed on their spirits. Me and your grandfather were somehow able to destroy him but your grandpa died in the process. If something like this is happening again then I don't want you to get involved in it. I can't lose you or anyone from our family. This is why I didn't want to tell you about this kook."

"Dad you don't have to worry about our safety. Instead guide us so that we can solve this problem. There are people who are dying without any reason. I can't let that happen. If I've been given this power then I want to use it for the benefit of others." Jungkook said trying to make his father understand his point of view.

Jaehwan just looked at his son and couldn't help but feel proud of him. He smiled and said "I raised you well. Ok! Let's do this. All of us." Hearing this Jungkook came forward and hugged his dad. They patted each other's backs and smiled.

Taehyung had also been present there. He felt his heart beating faster with each word Jungkook said. He is so selfless. Taehyung thought to himself. He smiled looking at the interaction between the father son duo.

Soon the three of them went inside and told the others about everything. Not just this they also worked on forming plans to find out about the person who was behind all the problems. At the end of the day all of them went to their rooms with determination and hope of helping out innocent people.

"I think we should start living here

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"I think we should start living here. It's the third time we've come to this farmhouse in the same week." Hoseok said annoyed. The entire team had come to the farmhouse to investigate a little more and to talk to the spirit if it was there.

"Hyung we have to find about the owner of this farmhouse and also why the spirit is here so often." Jungkook informed and then entered the farmhouse. All of them started checking each and every room of the place in order to find something about the owner. Jungkook and Taehyung on the other hand were searching for the spirit.

Taehyung was looking around the corridor when he felt a cloth being draped around him. He looked behind him to see Jungkook draping his jacket over him. "You were shivering. It's a little chilly today and I don't want you to get sick." he said nonchalantly and walked away. Hearing this a blush creeped up Taehyung's cheeks and he couldn't say a word. He tightly clutched onto the jacket and smiled to himself before following the ravenette.

After about searching for an hour or two and finding nothing they decided to go back. Taehyung and Jimin were already in the van while the other four were still in the farmhouse having a discussion.

"Jungkook I'll talk to some real estate agent to find about the owner so don't worry." Namjoon said assuring his brother who looked stressed. "We'll find something if we keep looking into it." Yoongi added.

"Hyung I'm not worried about that. I'm just having this uneasy feeling today. It's like there is someone around and I just can't feel it." Jungkook voiced his worries. "What do you mean kook? Is there a spirit around?" Hoseok asked. "That is what I'm not able to tell. I don't know what's wrong with me today." he said.

Namjoon patted his shoulder giving him a comforting smile. "Don't worry you're just tired." he said. Jungkook just smiled at that and then started walking towards the van. They had not even walked half the distance when he saw Taehyung running towards him frantically followed by Jimin.

Taehyung took a hold of his hand and started running in an unknown direction. "What are you doing? We're in a forest. Have you gone crazy? " Jungkook said trying to free himself from Taehyung's grip but the latter was using all his strength to hold onto him. After few minutes of running and protesting with the others following closely behind they haulted infront of an old abandoned building.

"What the hell? Was this in the forest the entire time?" Yoongi said panting. All of them were busy looking at the building and they didn't noticed how the ravenette's eye colour changed and his tattoo started glowing. He realised why he had been feeling so uneasy the entire time. He took a deep breath and the words he stated next took the breaths out of everyone.

"There are around fifty spirits in this building."

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