Chapter 16

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"What do you mean by that Mr

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"What do you mean by that Mr.?" Jiha said getting annoyed. The man just scoffed and pushed her aside. All of them entered the house and started looking through it. "What the hell are you doing?" Jimin said coming out of the kitchen on hearing the commotion. One of the man who was supposedly the leader looked at him and smiled. "Oh! Park Jimin we've finally found you. If you are here then master Taehyung would also be here right." he said.

Jimin's eyes widened at that. No! This can't be happening. We're f*cked up. He thought to himself. Jiha noticed how the colour from Jimin's face vanished hearing the man so she intervened. "Just get out of my house! Who gave you the permission to enter inside. GET OUT! " she shouted. The man just smirked and went towards her. He slapped her hard making her fall. He was about to go towards her when he heard a deep voice. "Stop it! How dare you touch her?"

Everyone looked up to see Taehyung coming down the stairs with anger. "You F*cker!" he said and punched the first man he saw. "Master Taehyung let's not make it hard. Your father wants you back." the leader said. Taehyung just rolled his eyes at that. "Really! But I don't want him in my life anymore." he said. They were busy negotiating and didn't notice the new presense in the room. It was only when they heard a cold voice that they noticed the ravenette.

"How dare you enter my house without permission?" Jungkook said coldly. His eyes had turned scary making the leader gulp. He gestured his men to attack Jungkook. The ravenette just scoffed and defended himself punching the life out of them. None of them wished to fight the scary man infront of them anymore so they ran away for dear life.

As soon as the men had gone Jungkook went towards his mother and helped her up. He gently touched her cheek that had turned red due to the slap. He was seething in anger. How dare they touch her? I'm going to kill them. He thought to himself. He was still in his thoughts when he heard Taehyung's voice. "Mrs. Jeon are you alright?"

Jiha was about to reply but Jungkook beat her to it. "Shut your mouth." he said. He was so angry that he didn't think before speaking. "You are such a nuisance. Ever since you came here nothing has been good. First you trouble me with your stupid behaviour and now my mother gets hurt because of you. WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE?" Taehyung just looked at him with teary eyes and nodded. He didn't wait another second before going towards the door. "Tae!" he heard Jimin's voice. "Don't follow me!" he said before quickly walking out of the door.

Jungkook didn't even look at the boy too angry at the situation. He just took his mother inside her room. Jimin kept looking towards the door worried for his friend.

"I'm sorry for his behaviour." he heard Yoongi's voice and looked at him with his teary eyes. "Do you want to go after him. I'll take you." Yoongi offered. "Let him cool down for some time. If he doesn't come back soon then I'll go and look for him." Jimin said with a heavy voice. Yoongi just went towards him and held his shoulder. "If you need someone to talk to then remember that I'm here." he said and smiled a little. Jimin nodded. Both of them then went towards their own rooms too exhausted mentally by the incident.

Taehyung had never thought that he would be back at this place so soon but his fate had some other plans

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Taehyung had never thought that he would be back at this place so soon but his fate had some other plans. He preferred suffering himself than causing other people trouble. I deserve this. He thought to himself. He took a deep breath and went inside the big mansion that he never considered his home.

As soon as he entered the house he saw his father sitting on the couch talking to someone on the phone. On seeing him the old man quickly ended the call and came towards him. Without a second thought the man slapped him hard glaring daggers at him. "You disgrace of a child. How dare you humiliate me like that?" he said and slapped the boy again.

Taehyung just stood there motionless. He had expected this reaction from his father. His father kept on cursing him and he kept on listening. He saw how his mother just stood there quietly not uttering a thing. When he couldn't take the nagging and cursing anymore he took a deep breath and said

"Don't worry I won't run away anymore."

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