Chapter 4

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On hearing the voice Jungkook turned around in a snap

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On hearing the voice Jungkook turned around in a snap. The other three also stopped abruptly too stunned by the new presense. Suddenly realising his mistake Jungkook turned back to the spirit but it had already escaped till then. Not able to control his anger he took angry steps towards Taehyung and held him by the coller.

"HOW DARE YOU? " he shouted making Taehyung flinch. "How dare you spoil my work? For f*ck's sake IT ESCAPED BECAUSE OF YOU. "

"It was asking for help. I could not see it but I definitely hea...... " "SHUT UP! Stop this nonsense." "B..... But I am sayi..... " "I told you to not utter a word." Jungkook cut him off again. Taehyung looked at Jungkook and saw anger in his eyes. He didn't want to anger him more so he just kept shut. Jimin was already standing behind him not able to justify themselves.

"Why did you follow us? Are you some kind of stalker? Or do you want to die early?" Yoongi said in an irritated voice. He never liked it when people spoiled his work. "Even if you followed us you shouldn't have interrupted us like that. It was a wandering spirit. It's difficult to catch it. You know? " Namjoon added.

Jimin and Taehyung just looked down feeling guilty. They never intended to spoil the other's hard work. Jungkook scoffed looking at them and said "Huh! Don't try to look like the victims here." and with that he left the place along with Yoongi. Hoseok sighed. He felt bad for the two boys who looked like lost puppies now. "See I don't know why you did that but now come with us. I know you don't have a car and I don't want to leave you two here alone." with that he and Namjoon went towards the van followed by the other two.

Everyone was silent. There was a thick tension in the air. Hoseok was driving while Jungkook sat next to him. The last row was occupied by Namjoon and Yoongi with Taehyung and Jimin in the middle row. Taehyung didn't want the others to have a wrong opinion of the situation so he decided to explain his side of the story. But before he could speak he felt a tug on his sleeve and saw Jimin shaking his head. Understanding Jimin's concern he just kept quiet and looked outside the window till they reached home.

Jungkook came in banging the door loudly. He was very angry. His parents came out hearing the loud noise. "Mom! I want them out of the house by tomorrow." he said and went straight to his room without sparing another glace towards anyone. Jiha looked towards the boys mentioned and saw them looking at her with pleading eyes. "Don't worry I'll handle him later. You go to your room." she said giving them an assuring smile. They thanked her and quickly went upstairs not in the mood to cause more trouble.

Namjoon explained the three oblivious people the entire situation earning gasps in return. "He shouldn't have done that. Jungkook is not wrong here." Jaehwan said. "Let's all rest for today. You must be tired. We can discuss this later." Jiha said and everyone nodded agreeing.

The night went by with a certain boy looking towards the ceiling clutching onto his pendent for dear life. He couldn't sleep. The spirit's painful wails for help kept coming back to him.

The morning was a bit more peaceful than the previous night

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The morning was a bit more peaceful than the previous night. Everyone was sitting at the table having breakfast but Taehyung was nowhere in sight.

"Jimin where is Taehyung? Doesn't he want to eat? " Jiha asked. "He is coming Mrs. Jeon. He is just tired. Couldn't sleep last night." Jimin informed. As if on cue Taehyung entered the dining room looking tired. He didn't take his seat but stood right infront of Jungkook. "I'm sorry for what happened yesterday but I was not lying. It was really asking for help." he said.

"Spirits don't speak! So stop with this nonsense. I'm letting you stay here so be thankful and get lost." Jungkook said nonchalantly. "They do. I can hear them. I have always...... " "WILL YOU SHUT UP? I'm in no mood for your nonsense talks." Jungkook cut him off with anger. Taehyung was losing his cool. He couldn't believe that a person having the most absurd power to see ghosts was not ready to listen to him when he said that he can hear them.

"Are you really going to be like that? A person who runs a ghost busting business is really not going to believe me. That's upto you then but let me tell you that the spirit you met yesterday was asking for help. It was crying and wailing. So, if you can do something for her then please do it." Taehyung said and left without a second glance leaving behind a wide eyed Jungkook. Jimin followed him apologizing once before leaving.

Everyone was looking at Jungkook out of curiosity when he suddenly asked "Hyung did I tell you about the spirit we met yesterday? " Namjoon shook his head and said "You went to your room yesterday and came out for breakfast only. We didn't talk about yesterday's incident at all. "

"Then how did he know that the spirit was of a woman? "

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