Chapter 14

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Taehyung was looking at Jiha confused

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Taehyung was looking at Jiha confused. "Heartbroken! What do you mean by that Mrs. Jeon?" he asked softly. Jiha looked at him and smiled sadly. She took the boy's hand in her own and gently caressed it. "He was in the university then. He fell hard for a girl. He was crazy for her. He kept on talking about her all the time, he would plan new surprises and buy gifts for that girl. Her name was Aera. We all were happy for him. But suddenly after a year he started remaining aloof. He was no longer happy. He wouldn't talk and wouldn't even go to the university so many days. One day I asked him about his worries and he broke down. That day he cried for hours." she said her voice breaking. "Then we came to know that he was just a bet for her. A bet to fool around with the weird kid whose father was an exorcist for a year. They humiliated my child the day this entire truth was exposed. They even told him that he was not even worth a penny of their's. And they did not stop at that. They started bullying him afterwards. He eventually dropped out of the university and closed off his heart. That is why he doesn't trust people easily anymore."

Taehyung was speechless. He has been through so much. He thought. "Taehyung you know what?" he heard Jiha's voice "My child always gave his best when it came to love. But no one has ever done that for him." Saying this she looked at Taehyung hopefully. Taehyung nodded his head understanding what the woman meant.

He turned to look at the beautiful orange sky and smiled. Jeon Jungkook I'm not giving up on you. He told himself. Now he was even more determined to show his love to the ravenette.

 Now he was even more determined to show his love to the ravenette

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"Mr. Kim it has been a month and you still have not been able able to find your son. I think you are not taking me seriously." Mr. Choi said looking at the man who was bowing in front of him.

"Don't worry Mr. Choi I am just a step away from bringing him to you. He will be infront of you in some days." Mr. Kim said. He was scared of the man infront of him because his aura was very dark. "As you say Mr. Kim. I hope you won't disappoint me." Mr. Choi said seriously. He then gestured Mr. Kim to go out of the room the other man quickly following his order.

"Secretary Jo what's the news?" he asked his secretary once Mr. Kim was gone. "Sir we found out about the Jeons. But Jeon Jaehwan doesn't do the exorcism any more. His son Jeon Jungkook has taken his position. Not just this but there are two new people living with them right now.  Here are the photos." the secretary said handing out an envelope to Mr. Choi.

The old man took out the photos and smirked looking at them. "Jo how about giving Mr. Kim an anonymous call." he said with a sinister smile. The secretary just bowed and went outside ready to carry out his Master's plan.

The next morning

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The next morning

Jungkook came downstairs to have his breakfast. "Mom! I'm hungry." he shouted and sat at the dining table. "Wait for some time. The food will be ready." he heard his mother's voice from the kitchen. So, he just sat there looking through his smartphone. Suddenly out of nowhere someone placed a rose in front of his face. He got startled and looked up to see Taehyung smiling at him with a rose in his hand.

"Didn't you get what I said yesterday?" Jungkook said coldly. "I did. But I'm going to keep on trying." Taehyung said and shoved the flower in the ravenette's hand and then he ran away from there. Jungkook just scoffed and smiled at the boy's antics and looked at the rose in his hand. Why does he affect me so much? He thought to himself. Soon all the others came and then they had their breakfast together like a big happy family.

After the breakfast Jungkook was in the garden watering the plants when he felt a presense beside him. He turned to see Taehyung standing there with a water bottle in his hand.

"Aren't you tired? You will never get what you want Taehyung." Jungkook said. "I will. I'm sure of it." Taehyung said with assurance. "You are just wasting your time. I'm not into relationships and this love bullsh*t." Jungkook stated his opinion.

"Then it's easier for me. I won't have rivals. And as far as wasting time is concerned don't worry about that you are worth all the efforts. I will wait for you my entire life and even then I wouldn't regret my decision. You know why? Because there's no one like you. Nobody can be as good and pure as you." Taehyung said looking right into Jungkook's eyes. He saw how the ravenette's eyes got glassy hearing that.

"Why would you wait for me?" Jungkook questioned him. He just smiled at that and held  Jungkook's face between both his hands. He then took a deep breath and said.
"Because I realised that I'm in love with you. You jerk."

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