Chapter 2

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It was around five in the evening when Mrs

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It was around five in the evening when Mrs. Jeon heard a voice from the front door. "Is someone inside. We wanted to rent a room here." Hearing this the plump woman quickly went towards the door and was greeted by two boys around her son's age. One of them was shorter than the other while both of them looked ethereal. "Oh! Come in. Come in." she said and guided them inside.

"Hi ma'am. My name is Jimin and this is my friend Taehyung. We would like to rent a room here." the shorter boy said smiling. "I'm Jiha and you both are welcome here boys. I'm so happy that someone came to rent the rooms so quickly." the women said chirping. She showed them around the house and then led them to their room upstairs.

"You can freshen up and then come downstairs. I will make something for you. You must be hungry." she said and left the boys in the room. "We found a jackpot Tae. No one will find us here and the landlady is also very nice." Jimin said hugging his friend.

"Yes chim. I'm finally relieved. Who knew eloping from a wedding can be so tough. But listen to me now. We will not tell the people anything about ourselves. Ok!" Taehyung said and Jimin nodded. They both quickly freshened up and went downstairs. As soon as they entered the kitchen they were greeted with the pleasant smell of food. Their mouth watering and stomach growling at the sight.

Mrs. Jeon made them sit on the table and started serving them the food. "Well since my sons are not here right now let me tell you one thing. Don't mess with the ones that look like a bunny and a cat. Ok! They both are scary. They are not any less than evil spirits themselves. " she said and the two boys burst out laughing. They nodded their head once they could breathe. "Mrs. Jeon you're really funny." Jimin said and the lady smiled. The three of them enjoyed their meal talking and laughing without even realizing how comfortable they got with each other in just a few hours.

Jungkook and the others came back after handing out flyers the entire day

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Jungkook and the others came back after handing out flyers the entire day. They were exhausted to their bones. Namjoon and Yoongi went towards the living room while Jungkook and Hoseok towards the kitchen to fetch some water.

As soon as the ravenette entered the kitchen he bumped into someone and the coffee in the boy's hand got spilled all over him. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. " the boy said frantically bowing in front of Jungkook. But he was not buying it. "Are you blind? How dare you spoil my favourite jacket and what are you doing in my house?" he said at the top of his voice. "My name is Jimin and I'm a new te...... " "I don't care whoever you are just get out of my sight." Jungkook said cutting him off and pushed him slightly to get him out of his way.

"Hey! Mr. Black clothes aren't you being too rude? He just apologized. And you were at fault too." Taehyung said finally not being able to control himself. He was in the kitchen with Jimin too and had seen everything that had happened.

Jungkook turned towards the direction of the voice and said "And who might you be Mr. I don't know how to keep my nose out of other's business?" Taehyung scoffed at that and was about to say something but Mrs. Jeon intervened. "Kook! They are the new tenants I told you about on the phone. Don't behave this way with them." she said and smacked her son on the head. Jungkook said nothing and gave Taehyung one last glare before leaving.

"He is the one I told you about. Now you know what I meant? " she said looking at the boys. They nodded and sighed. Then Mrs. Jeon took them both to the living room where the entire family was except Jungkook.

"So, this is Taehyung and this is Jimin." Mrs. Jeon said chirping. "Taehyung and Jimin. This is Namjoon my oldest son and this is Jin his husband. This is Yoongi and Hoseok and they are like my sons too. This is my husband Jaehwan and the cranky boy you met before was my youngest son Jungkook." she said finishing with the introductions.

All of them greeted each other and talked for some time. Taehyung and Jimin didn't know that they would get comfortable with this family so quickly but surprisingly they did. After a few hours of talking they all sat for the dinner with a certain ravenette giving Taehyung cold glares at every chance avalaible.

The night went well with everyone finally returning to their rooms. Taehyung burritoed himself in the comforter and sighed in relief. He was happy to be finally away from his devil of a father. That night he slept in peace without realising that his life was about to change forever.

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