Chapter 10

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Everyone turned around hearing the unexpected words of the boy

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Everyone turned around hearing the unexpected words of the boy. They saw Taehyung looking at them with a solemn expression. "Are you sure? Or is it sleep talking?" Jungkook said looking at him with a raised eyebrow. The boy's words were just hard to believe.

Hearing this and looking at everyone's bewildered expression Taehyung sighed heavily and then he slowly came forward taking a seat beside Jungkook. He then looked at everyone once and said. "The spirit told me that there is someone who is murdering people and then keeping their spirits here to feed on them. She is also one of those spirits. She wants Jungkook's help to unbound them."

"But who's the person she talked about?" Namjoon asked. "I don't know she didn't know the name but when she was telling me about him she suddenly left saying that he is coming after her. Not just this but she also said not to talk about him outside our house because he might hear it." Taehyung said with a conflicted expression on his face.

No-one said a word. The only sound was of the clock ticking. Jungkook didn't know what to say. He had never heard something like this in his life. He turned to his father for some words but saw him in deep thoughts. "Dad!" he said but the old man was not paying attention. Jungkook called him a few more times but he did not react. By now everyone was looking at him. "Dad!" Jungkook shouted at the top of his voice this time finally succeeding to catch his father's attention.

"Y... Yes! I'm listening." Jaehwan said surprised "No! You're not. What were you thinking dad? Do you know something about this entire thing?" Jungkook asked. "No! N.... No! I don't know any.... anything about it. I was just surprised listening to Taehyung's words." Jaehwan said smiling. "I don't think the spirit is telling the truth. It must be fooling you. There are spirits that do so." Jaehwan said and stood up. "There's no need to think more about this. Just unbound it and finish your work Jungkook. Don't go too deep in it." saying this he left. Everyone stood up and left eventually. Only Taehyung and Jimin stayed behind.

"Jimin he was lying. He definitely knows something." Taehyung said and Jimin looked at him him with a surprised expression. "Are you sure Tae?" he asked. Taehyung nodded his with confidence. "I'll ask him about it myself because if he is not ready to tell us the truth then I need to know the reason for that." he said.

Taehyung couldn't let this entire thing go just like that. He knew that there might be people who are being killed right now by some psychopath. And if they were the only people who could stop this then he was ready to do anything for it.

The next morning

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The next morning

After freshening up Taehyung had gone to the garden to find the person he wanted to talk to. He saw the man pulling out weeds from the flower beds. "Do you want any help Mr. Jeon?" Taehyung asked. The old man looked at him with a surprised expression but soon he smiled and nodded his head gesturing Taehyung to come near him.

The boy went forward and sat right next to Jaehwan. He started pulling out the weeds and asked "Do you like gardening?" "I love it! We all love flowers. Even Jungkook though he will never accept it." Jaehwan said grinning. Taehyung giggled at that totally expecting the same reaction from the ravenette. "What kind of relation do you and Jungkook have?" Taehyung asked out of curiosity. He never had a good relation with his father so he was always curious about it.

"We are more of friends now. When he was young I never thought that he would be my best friend one day." Jaehwan said smiling. "I love him and my entire family a lot. I can do anything to keep them safe and sound. "

"Is that why you lied yesterday?" Taehyung said and Jaehwan stiffened hearing that. He looked at the boy who was pulling out the weeds with a serious expression on his face. "Taehyung let me make this clear I'm doing this to save lives." he said. "But innocent people are dying Mr. Jeon. We can he.... " "I don't want to hear anything." Jaehwan said cutting Taehyung off. He got up and said "I don't care about them. And I want you to not say a word about it to anyone otherwise I'll be forced to kick you out of the house." With this he turned to leave but suddenly froze in his tracks. There stood Jungkook looking at them with a solemn face.

"Dad! I've never expected something like this from you."

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