Chapter 33

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"What do you mean by that Tae?" Jungkook asked cupping the boy's face

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"What do you mean by that Tae?" Jungkook asked cupping the boy's face. "H...he.... " Taehyung stuttered unable to form words. He was too stunned by this new revelation. Jungkook slowly led him to the couch and then made him drink some water. They had not asked Taehyung anything about the headspace incident because they didn't want him to stress about it but now seemed the right time to do so. After Taehyung seemed to have calmed down Jungkook said "Now tell us everything in detail. Hmm. What happened at the mart that day?"

Taehyung looked at his expectant family and took a deep breath. "That devil man, he had trapped me in the headspace that day. I couldn't see him as any other spirit. Just his voice reached my ears. That day when I tried to come out of that space he started choking me. He was not even around me but the grip felt so real." Taehyung said with a hint of terror in his voice. "That voice. I can never forget it. It still brings shudders to my body. And....Choi has the same voice. How?"

Taehyung was visibly terrified at the possibilities. "Tae is there anything else that you remember." Jungkook asked. Taehyung tried to remember more and then it struck his mind. "He destroyed the spirit that was telling us about him. The last time we had talked to the spirit it was under his control. So everything we know is wrong. Ggukie you are not his target it''s me." Taehyung said looking at the ravenette.

Hearing Taehyung's words Jungkook suddenly remembered what the shaman had told him before going back.


Jungkook was covering a sleeping Taehyung properly. The doctor had just checked him and given a green flag. The boy was still asleep and Jungkook had decided to not leave him alone. Suddenly he heard the door opening and turned around to see the shaman entering the room.

Jungkook bowed to show his gratitude. "Child I'm going back now but before that I want to tell you something important." he said. "What is it?" Jungkook asked curiously. The shaman smiled at that and said "Taehyung is a special child just like you but his soul is the most special soul in the world. He is a kid that comes into this world once in every thousand years. You have been given the duty to protect this pure soul my child. So, make sure that he is safe from all evil."

Jungkook had just nodded hearing those words then not able to understand the true meaning behind them.

"Tae? Who did your parents sell you to?" he asked calculating the possibilities in his mind. "M...Mr. Choi." Taehyung said stuttering. The words were enough for Jungkook to understand who their enemy was. "We've found out our enemy." Jungkook said surprising everyone. "He!" the ravenette pointed towards the old man on the TV screen "He is our enemy. Everything makes sense now. The spirit being near his farmhouse. Him buying Taehyung from his parents and his voice matching the one who attacked Tae. The expensive car that day must be his too. He is a rich businessman afterall."

"Then that means he bought Taehyung because he wants to use him for his ritual of immortality." Jimin asked. Jungkook nodded and then took out his phone. He typed something in it and then after sometime looked up. "Fifteenth. It's the new moon day. He is going to take away Taehyung that day. This is what Mr. Kim told us." he informed the others.

"We have to think something quick then. We can't let him succeed in his plans." Jiha said panicking. "Mom we'll think about it calmly. The plan has to be good enough to stop that man so let's calm down a little and then work on it. Ok." Jungkook said and everyone nodded agreeing. They all decided to work on the plan the next day because Taehyung was still processing everything.

That night nobody slept. Everyone wanted nothing more than Taehyung to be safe. They all kept thinking about things they could do to defeat their enemy. The only thing they all wanted was this evil to end.

The next morning

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The next morning

All of them were sitting in the office discussing their next step now that they knew who their enemy was. "How can we destroy him Dad? You've done something similar once. Right?" Taehyung asked looking at Jaehwan. The man nodded his head and said "In the same way that is used to unbound a spirit. The only difference is the Eret used. That man has fed on many spirits so we will require a special Eret to destroy him. The Eret has to be made up of obsidian and ruby. Once that Eret is stabbed in that man's heart everything will be over."

"Don't worry about it. I'll make it as soon as I can." Jin said assuring everyone. Jungkook gave him a thankful smile. He then looked around and stood up. Putting his hands on the table and leaning forward a little he said.......

"Let's finish this once and for all."

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