Chapter 24

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Jungkook was in his room practising something important

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Jungkook was in his room practising something important. "Would you like to go on a date with me? No. no. no. This is way too formal." he said to himself. He took a deep breath and tried again "Let's go on a date. Are you forcing him Jungkook." he whined totally frustrated with his attempts.

He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. "Forget it. I'll just say whatever comes to my mind when I meet him." he decided and quickly went downstairs for breakfast. Throughout the meal he couldn't take his eyes off the boy he liked.

Has be always been this beautiful. He thought when he saw Taehyung laughing and giggling while talking to his mother. "Earth to Jungkook." he heard Yoongi whisper near his face and got startled. "Hyung! Ah that scared me." he said keeping his hand over his chest. Yoongi just looked at him amused and said "Boy you are already whipped. I can clearly see it."

Jungkook eyed him with a raised eyebrow. "Do you think I didn't notice you watching Jimin? Hyung at least I had the courage to accept my feelings but someone here is still watching his lover from the shadows." he said mocking Yoongi. Yoongi was about to retort back when they heard Jiha say "What are you whispering about boys?"

"Nothing important." Jungkook said quickly and both boys smiled to not look suspicious. When the others looked away believing them they sighed in relief and continued with the breakfast.

It was around one in the afternoon now. Taehyung was sitting in the garden while a nervous Jungkook was standing infront of him. "What do you want to say Gguk?" Taehyung asked. "Well.......... " Jungkook said rubbing his nape and looking at the grass as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. "Iwanttotakeyouonadate."

"Which language is that? Because I didn't understand a word you said." Taehyung said while trying not to laugh at the adorable bunny infront of him. "I WANT TO TAKE YOU ON A DATE." Jungkook shouted and then pursed his lips together realising what he did.

Taehyung burst out laughing at the ravenette's antics while Jungkook just looked at him confused. "Has someone ever told you that you are adorable." Taehyung said still laughing. "I'm not adorable." Jungkook protested wide eyed. "You are and YES I'll go on a date with you." Taehyung said with finality in his voice. Hearing this Jungkook jumped and shouted "Yes!" and ran inside before Taehyung could comment on his actions again.

Taehyung just kept looking at him smiling. That's new. Who knew that the muscle bunny could be this adorable. He thought and went inside to get ready for his date later.

"Wow! This fare is so big

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"Wow! This fare is so big. I've never gone to one before." Taehyung said looking around in awe. "Never?" Jungkook asked surprised. Taehyung shook his head. "Never. I was not allowed." Hearing this Jungkook took the boy's hand in his own and said "Do whatever you want today. We'll do it together. No one will stop you." Taehyung smiled at that. "Let's go!" he shouted raising his fist in the air and pulled Jungkook into the crowd.

They went to many stalls. Played games and ate delicious food. Laughing and enjoying throughout the evening they decided to end the date with a ride in the humungous Ferris wheel.

"It's so exciting." Taehyung said while sitting in the carriage with Jungkook. Soon the ride started and he looked outside enjoying the view. The ride was slow giving them enough time to enjoy the city view. When their carriage reached the top it stopped as it had happened for every other carriage before.

"Wow! I've never seen something so beautiful." Taehyung said looking at the city. "Me too." he heard Jungkook say and turned towards him only to be surprised by the other's actions. Jungkook was looking at him and his eyes held so much love. It was enough to drown Taehyung in them.

Unknowingly they took a step towards each other. Jungkook held him by his waist and whispered in his ear. "Can I?" Taehyung just nodded too lost in the ravenette's eyes. Soon their lips met in a sweet kiss. Taehyung's arms encircled around Jungkook's neck while the latter pulled him even closer. The kiss turned into something more passionate as the two poured in everything they had been feeling for each other in it.

They pulled away panting and smiled when they made eye contact with each other. The carriage started moving again jerking them a little and bringing them back to the reality. The now blushing boys turned back towards to the window with small shy smiles on their faces. Their hands were entangled together giving each one a feeling of comfort and love. They couldn't help but think.......

I'm so in love.

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