Chapter 18

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Taehyung just looked at the pie his mother had brought for him

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Taehyung just looked at the pie his mother had brought for him. "Eat it. It's your dad's favourite. It must be your's too." she said smiling. Taehyung looked at her with glassy eyes. "Mom! Can I ask you something?" he said. His mother nodded her head gesturing him to continue. "Am I not worth loving?" "No! Why would you say that? We love you and we're doing everything for your good. You have to understand that." she said. Taehyung smiled bitterly hearing that. "Then why don't you know me?" he said looking right in her eyes. "What do you mean by that Taehyung?" his mother asked.

"Nothing." he said and shook his head. He then quickly ate the pie in his hands. His mother took the empty plate from him and smiled once before going out not forgetting to lock the door afterwards. Taehyung just kept staring at the door lifelessly. She doesn't know a single thing about me. And here I am waiting for her like a fool. He thought. He then laid on his bed too exhausted mentally to do anything else.

It was around eight in the evening when the boys reached the Kim mansion

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It was around eight in the evening when the boys reached the Kim mansion. They had made the entire plan of escaping with Taehyung secretly but they never expected to see an ambulance standing outside. Panic overtook their senses and they quickly ran into the mansion without caring about the guards around.

As soon as they entered inside they saw the paramedics carrying a stretcher with Taehyung on it. A large oxygen mask was covering his face and he looked so fragile. Jungkook felt a lump in his throat seeing Taehyung like that. He was about to go towards the boy when he heard a voice.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" he turned towards the voice and saw Mr. Kim looking at him arrogantly. Without a second thought he went towards the man and punched him hard across his face "You call yourself his father. You piece of sh*t. Don't even dare to a touch him in the future or else I'll kill you myself." he said gritting his teeth. But remembering his priority he quickly regained his composure and ran towards his car with the others to follow the ambulance Taehyung was in.

Please be alright. Please he alright. He kept on saying in his mind while driving like a crazy man. On reaching the hospital the boys quickly ran towards the OT where Taehyung had been taken. They saw his mother waiting outside and crying her heart out. Slowly they made their way towards her and tapped her shoulder. Jimin gathering his courage asked "What happened?" The lady looked at him and wailed. "I don't know. When I went to his room he was barely breathing. I do... don't know." Hearing about Taehyung's condition Jimin asked "Did he eat walnuts by any chance?"

Mrs. Kim looked at him surprised. "Yes! I made a pie for him. He didn't say any.... " "Are you even his mother? He is allergic to them for god's sake." Jimin said getting agitated. "He had almost died once eating them as a kid. I still remember it even though I was a kid too but you his so called mother who should know everything about him don't even remember the one time your only son almost died." Mrs. Kim just looked towards the floor guilt eating her up alive.

Jungkook was just standing there listening to everything. I'll make sure he stays happy. I'll make sure that he is loved. Just please let him be alright. These were the only words that kept on repeating in his mind. He didn't want to lose Taehyung and he was sure of it.

After about two hours that seemed like an eternity to the ravenette the doctor came out of the OT. "How is he?" he quickly asked. "Don't worry he is fine. You got him here on time. He'll be weak for a few days so do take extra care of him other than that there is no problem. You can take him back once he wakes up." the doctor said and everyone sighed in relief. They quickly went into the room Taehyung had been shifted to and saw him sleeping peacefully.

"Namjoon, Hobi and Yoongi hyung you can go back. Jimin you too. I'll be here so you don't have to worry." Jungkook said while taking a seat beside Taehyung's bed. Jimin didn't want to leave Taehyung alone anymore so he protested. "But I wa...." "He is right. You must be exhausted. Let's go back." he was cut off by Yoongi who was looking at him with soft eyes. He just looked at Taehyung once and then nodded. Soon everyone had gone leaving the two boys alone.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and hesitantly held his hand. He caressed it and sighed. "You gave me quite a scare today." he said and looked down. "I'm sorry. I don't think before speaking. I didn't mean anything I told you earlier. I really like all the things you do for me. I have nothing more to say but that I'm a jerk." He was still looking towards the floor when he heard soft giggles and then the tired voice of the boy who was slowly taking over his heart. "I know you are. You jerk."

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