Chapter 5

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Taehyung looked around the room

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Taehyung looked around the room. Everyone was looking at him with curious eyes except Jungkook. Mrs. Jeon had come to him earlier and had asked him tell them about everything in detail so that they could understand his situation properly. Now they all were sitting in the living room ready to listen to him. He took a deep breath and started.

"Ever since I was young I always heard voices around me even if no one was around. It started getting worse as I grew up. Nobody believed me when I told them about it. Everyone thought I was crazy. Only my grandma believed me and she took me to a shaman when I was ten. He gave me this pendent and it helps me to keep the voices out of my head." he said showing them the blue jewel around his neck. "Yesterday I don't know what happened to me but I instinctively removed this pendent from my neck and then I heard the spirit. She was crying. She was asking for help but since she was scared of Jungkook her words were not that clear."

"Taehyung it's difficult to believe you child. I have been in this business for many years. Not just me but even my ancestors have always believed that spirits don't speak. They can't. No record has ever mentioned it. Not even shamans hear them unless they possess someone." Jaehwan said sighing. He wanted to believe the boy but it was a little difficult to accept his words at the same time. Years of believes cannot be changed in minutes.

Jungkook had been listening to the boy the entire time. He did not believe him but he wanted to confirm it once. An idea popped up into his head and he said "Let's confirm it then." "What do you mean? " Taehyung asked surprised. "I mean we can check wheather you are saying the truth or not. Are you ready to be tested? " he said challenging Taehyung. Taehyung glared at him and said "If it will give you inner peace then let's do it. What do I have to do? "

Jungkook smirked. "Give me your pendent. If there will be spirits around you'll hear them. Since this house is in the forest so there are wandering spirits around. It won't take much time for you to hear one." he said.

Taehyung gulped. He was scared to remove the pendent but he couldn't let the other's believe that he was lying. So he opened the pendent and handed it over to Jungkook. "Ok! I'll believe you this time that is if you hear a spirit again." Jungkook said and left.

"Taehyung don't worry. There are spirits in the forest so you will have a lot of them talking to you today." Yoongi said sarcastically and followed Jungkook. Jimin just scoffed at that. "He doesn't even know if there is a spirit around him or not and look at him being all mighty." he said and Taehyung giggled at that.

Jimin always had his back. Jimin was his only true friend and Taehyung knew that if something went wrong he would take care of it. So, he was ready to face Jungkook's challenge and show him that he is not a liar.

It was around nine in the evening when Taehyung heard something

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It was around nine in the evening when Taehyung heard something. He was sitting in the living room with the old couple and Jimin while the others were in Jungkook's office discussing their next exorcism.

The voice grew intense with every passing moment. Taehyung stood up abruptly and went towards the window. Jaehwan followed him sensing that something was wrong with the other. "Mr. Jeon there is that same spirit beneath that tree. It's asking for Jungkook. It wants to talk to him." Taehyung said and Jaehwan looked towards the tree he pointed at. "Mr. Jeon it's saying that someone is after it. It's asking for help." Taehyung said his breathing getting uneven. Jaehwan's eyes widened. "Call Jungkook! JIHA CALL JUNGKOOK. " he shouted.

Jiha immediately ran towards the office and barged in. "Kook! He heard a spi...... " but before she could complete her sentence a loud scream cut her off. Jungkook's eyes widened and he ran towards the living room recognising it to be Taehyung's voice. When he reached there he saw Taehyung covering his ears and shouting while Jaehwan and Jimin were trying to calm him down. Everyone was shocked listening to his screams. It looked like he was in pain.

Without wasting another minute Jungkook went towards the boy and put the pendent around his neck. Taehyung opened his tear stained eyes and his hands fell to his sides. He looked at Jungkook and then his eyes rolled back. But before he could touch the ground Jungkook caught him in his arms.

"Hey! Taehyung. Hey! What happened?" Jungkook said taping the other's cheeks. He was panicking at the others condition when he heard his father's voice.

"He is saying the truth. There was a spirit right where he pointed."

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