Chapter 26

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The next day

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The next day

"HOW DARE YOU? Those six petty boys beat the sh*t out of you and YOU HAVE THE COURAGE TO COME HERE AND FACE ME." Mr. Choi shouted flipping the table infront of him. The leader of the goons who came to tell him about the night was now cursing his stars. He had never seen such a man before. The old man's aura was dark and he could feel something different from him. As if he was not even a human in the first place.

He saw the old man coming towards him so he quickly turned his gaze towards the floor. "I should punish you. Shouldn't I?" he heard him whisper and the next thing he knew was a knife piercing his heart. He gasped and looked up only to see the sinister smile on the old man's face.

Mr. Choi on the other hand smirked when the man he stabbed fell on the ground dead. He crouched down right next to him and kept his hand on the man's head. He closed his eyes and started chanting something. When he felt the spirit binding to him he inhaled in satisfaction and finally got up. "Jo take care of this mess. I have someone I want to visit." With this he quickly went outside leaving the room which now was a silent witness of his evils.

"Dad! What else do we have to buy now?" Taehyung asked Jaehwan who was busy looking at some garden tools

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"Dad! What else do we have to buy now?" Taehyung asked Jaehwan who was busy looking at some garden tools. Both of them had their grocery shopping duty today so they were now in the mart shopping. "Here. Jiha has given this list. You go and fetch the items while I look for some tools ok." Jaehwan said handing over the list to Taehyung.

The boy nodded and happily skipped away towards the other aisles. He was picking up his favourite noodles when he heard some voices. On looking around he found no one there so he just shrugged the thought away. But soon he heard the voices again and this panicked him a little. I'm wearing my pendent so why is this happening. He thought and looked around again this time spotting a man looking at him from the far end of the aisle.

The man was wearing all black. Even his face was covered with a mask. Taehyung gulped looking at him and when the man gestured him to remove his pendent his eyes widened. Without thinking anything else Taehyung did what he was told. It was as if the man in front of him had some kind of power. His eyes closed and he pulled out the jewel around his neck.

This time when he opened his eyes he was in the dark place again but for some reason it felt even more scarier than before. He gulped looking around. "Finally. I have the privilege to meet you Mr. Kim Taehyung." he heard a voice around him.

"W.... Who are you and how do you know my name?" he said stuttering. It was scary to hear voices but finding no one around.

"Me. I'm the one you have been looking for. Aren't you happy to finally meet me?" he heard him say. "No. I'm not." Taehyung said trying to sound confident. But the laughter he heard next shook him to the core. It sounded so evil and Taehyung wanted nothing more than to be in the arms of his lover now.

So he tried to break free from this head space but before he could be successful he felt hands wrapping around his neck. Struggling for air he tried to pry off the hands but there was no one around. "I have powers you can't even think of boy. You and your lover can't catch me but still I like hassle free things and you both are causing quite a lot of havoc around me." the man said. Taehyung was still struggling to breath but he could hear everything clearly.

"You can sleep for some time. Till then I will take care of that Jeon. And let me tell you a secret. You are the sacrifice I need for my goal not that Jeon. He is just an added bonus. And............The spirit that was telling you about me, I've already destroyed her. She was under my control the last time she talked to you." he said and started laughing.

Taehyung heard it all while struggling to take in air into his hurting lungs. His eyes were already drooping but still he tried his very best to escape the headspace. He had to save Jungkook before this monster could do anything to him. These were the only thoughts in his mind. Through all this struggle he felt his energy ebbing out out his body and the last thought he had before losing his consciousness was........

I'm sorry Jungkook.

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