Chapter 6

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Jungkook was feeling guilty would be an understatement

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Jungkook was feeling guilty would be an understatement. It had been two hours and Taehyung hadn't woken up. To make things worse he also had a fever. Right now a doctor was checking up on him while the others stood outside waiting anxiously. The doctor came out and Jimin rushed to him the others following closely behind.

"Don't worry he will be fine. His blood pressure had dropped and he also has a fever. I've attached him to an IV. You can remove it once he wakes up and please take proper care of him." saying this the doctor left.

All the others went into Taehyung's room and saw him sleeping peacefully. Mrs. Jeon went towards the boy and caressed his hair. "Poor child. Must have heard something terrible for him to be in this condition." she said and sighed. "I think you all should return to your rooms. I will take care of him." Jimin said with a hoarse voice. He had been crying ever since Taehyung fainted. Everyone nodded understanding that the boy needed rest and they left. Jungkook was the last to leave.

The entire night Jungkook kept thinking about Taehyung. He never thought that his actions would make the other suffer. He was feeling guilty and he decided to apologize to the boy first thing in the morning.

As soon as Jungkook woke up the next morning he quickly ran towards Taehyung's room to apologize to the latter. He knocked on the door and was greeted by Jimin. "I want to talk to Taehyung." he said and Jimin just glared at him before giving him some space to enter the room.

On entering he saw Taehyung sitting while leaning against the bedback. He was looking outside the window and it looked like he was in deep thought. Jungkook cleared his throat catching Taehyung's attention. "I'm so sorry for everything. I shouldn't have done that. It's my fault this happened to you." he said. Taehyung looked at him and smiled. "Don't worry I'm fine now and it wasn't your fault. So stop looking like I kicked you right now." Taehyung said earning a surprised look from Jungkook. He never expected the former to forgive him so easily. He was rendered speechless with the other's good heart so he just muttered a small 'Thank you' and left the room hurriedly.

Taehyung smiled at that shaking his head. He knew that whatever happened to him yesterday was not Jungkook's fault. But thinking about yesterday's incident his smile faltered. The voice he had heard brought chills to his body and he couldn't help but feel that something bad was going on. He had to tell Jungkook about everything he heard because the ravenette could be the only person who could solve the problem.

Two men were sitting in the office room

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Two men were sitting in the office room. The atmosphere was solemn. One of the man having a dark aura was staring at the other who was looking towards the floor.

"Mr. Kim did you find your son?" he said. His voice so scary that even Mr. Kim shuddered hearing it. "I'm very ashamed of whatever happened Mr. Choi. But don't worry I'm going to find him soon." Mr. Kim said his voice stuttering.

"Your son ran on the day of the wedding Mr. Kim. You know how insulting that is?" Mr. Choi stated calmly "My reputation is very important to me and due to your son I was about to lose it. We were lucky that you had never exposed how your son looked so we were able to arrange a fake groom. But he has to learn his lesson. I will teach him manners once he gets married to my daughter. So find him fast."

Mr. Kim just nodded his head. He was very scared of the man infront of him. He never thought that the most successful business man would want to marry his daughter to his son but when that happened he was over the moon. Marrying Taehyung to Mr. Choi's daughter would have got him a lot of benefit for his company but his son spoiled all his plans. He was very angry on him. He wanted to teach Taehyung a lesson himself for disrespecting him and his decision.

"Mr. Choi don't worry my son will be standing infront of you soon. But what about the ship making de..... " "Mr. Kim let's talk about it after you find your son. Till then the deal is on hold." Mr. Choi said cutting him off. Mr. Kim just nodded his head and turned to leave the room but before he could step outside he heard Mr. Choi's voice.

"You better find him Mr. Kim. Otherwise you know what I can do."

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