Chapter 28

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Two days later

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Two days later

Jungkook was in his room cleaning his sleeping lover with a wet towel. They had decided to shift Taehyung back to their house with the breathing aid clearly knowing that the doctors wouldn't be able to do anything in this case. Jaehwan on the other hand had already gone to get the shaman.

"You're crying again. What's scaring you love?" Jungkook said wiping the tears coming out of Taehyung's closed eyes. It had been like this for the past two days. Taehyung would cry for hours making everyone even more worried about him. Jungkook would try his very best to soothe him but nothing would work. He wanted nothing more than this situation to end soon.

Amidst all these thoughs he heard a knock on the door and turned to see Namjoon entering with a small smile on his face. "Is he crying again?" Namjoon asked with worry when he saw the tears flowing down Taehyung's cheeks. Jungkook nodded his head and said "He must be scared. Or maybe he is in pain." Namjoon just sighed not wanting to say anything in this situation but then he remembered what he came here for.

"Jungkook I've been keeping an eye on the farmhouse and two days ago the camera caught someone entering it. That man stayed there for the entire night. What's more intriguing is that an expensive car came to pick him up the next morning." Hearing these words Jungkook turned to his brother and asked "Was the face caught on camera?"

"No! But don't worry the car number was. We'll look for the owner of that car. My friend is a police officer. He will definitely help me. So you keep your attention on Taehyung and we'll find that bastard." Namjoon said and gave a reassuring smile to his brother before leaving the room.

Jungkook looked back towards his lover a lump forming in his throat when he saw the tube around Taehyung's nose. "We'll soon catch that bastard Tae. Dad will get the shaman and you'll be fine in no time. Everything will be alright. Just hang in there for some time. Hmm." Jungkook said caressing Taehyung's hair.

After sitting in his room for some more time he decided to go outside for some fresh air. He went downstairs and saw his mom in the living room. "Mom. I'm going outside for a little while." Jiha nodded her head and smiled a little hearing him.

Jungkook quickly went outside and soon the cool evening wind engulfed him in its calming vibes. He walked towards the town that was approximately thirty minutes away from his house by car. But he wanted some time alone so it was the best option for him to walk and clear his mind off things.


"Sir he is outside right now. Should I go forward with the plan?" a man asked his boss on phone as he eyed the ravenette going down the road. The man on the other side of the call just hummed in response.

"As you say Sir. The target will be eliminated today. For sure." he said and hung up the call. Then he started walking towards the town eager to fulfil his Master's desire.

It was around seven in the evening when Jungkook decided to go back home

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It was around seven in the evening when Jungkook decided to go back home. He came out of the park he had been sitting in and suddenly it started drizzling. "Seriously." he said looking up at the sky and kept walking not in the mood to stay there anymore.

He was so engrossed in his own thoughts that he didn't pay any attention to his surroundings and missed the man who had been following him. Halfway home and suddenly he was kicked from the back making him fall down.

He quickly rolled over luckily saving himself from the knife attack. "Who the hell are you?" he said looking at the unknown man in front of him but got no response. The man again attacked him with the knife in his hand but Jungkook successfully dodged the attacks.

The brawl between the two was intense. To top everything the rain had started pouring in full force. Jungkook punched the guy square on his face but the man was agile. Jungkook didn't realise when the knife scrapped through his stomach injuring him.

"F*ck" he muttered registering the pain. This piece of sh*t. I have to go back to Taehyung. TAEHYUNG. His eyes widened when he realised that there could have been an attack on Taehyung too. Just the thought of his lover being in danger was enough to spark a new fire in him.

He went towards the man who was on the floor trying to gain some strength after Jungkook's powerful attacks and kicked him right on his head immediately knocking him out. He didn't waste another second and started running towards his house.

Panting and out of breath he reached home and knocked on the door. "You're ba.....Kook! What's wrong?" Jiha said looking at the dishevelled state of her son. Jungkook looked at her but before he could say a thing he collapsed in her arms.

The lady freaked out unable to carry her son. She slid down on the floor with Jungkook in her arms. "JOON." she shouted while tears were flowing from her eyes. She never expected to see her son like this. "Jungkook?" she heard the worried voice of her elder son and soon Jungkook was being hoisted up by Namjoon and Hoseok.

Jiha was about to get up but something caught her eyes. Her breath hitched and she stuttered.

"H... He is b..bleeding."

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